多种溶剂特别混合的后清洗剂,可以聚酯模具上的蜡。无表面钝化。LOCTITE® FREKOTE PMC是多种溶剂特别混合的后清洗剂,设计用来溶解和无钝化表面聚酯模具上的蜡。它还可用于清洁环氧及金属模具的表面,以及刷子和设备。在涂敷LOCTITE® FREKOTE模具密封胶和脱模剂之前,强烈建议处理聚酯模具的表面。LOCTITE® Frekote PMC™ is a special blend of solvents designed to dissolve and remove wax from polyester molds without dulling the surface. This product can also be used to clean epoxy and metal mold surfaces as well as for cleaning bes and equipment. LOCTITE® Frekote PMC™ is highly recommended for preparing polyester mold surfaces prior to application of Frekote® mold sealers and mold release agents. TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF UNCURED MATERIAL Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 0.821 to 0.854LMS Flash Point - See SDS GENERAL INFORMATION This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. For safe handling information on this product, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Directions for use 1. LOCTITE® Frekote PMC™ should be applied to the mold surface with a clean lint free cloth. 2. Wax and other mold residue will immediately begin to dissolve and should be removed from the surface with a second clean cloth while it is still dissolved in the LOCTITE® Frekote PMC™. 3. As the cloth becomes saturated with wax and mold residue, dispose of it and use a new cloth. 4. Repeat process until composite and other mold residue is removed. 5. The mold is now ready for use. 6. NOTE: A simple test to assess mold cleanliness is the use of masking tape. A coated surface will allow easy release of masking tape, where as a wax free surface will allow good adhesion of masking tape. This test can also be used to determine the effectiveness of Frekote® Release Interfaces. A good interface will prevent any significant degree of tape adhesion
上海环央化工科技有限公司是一家专业的精细化学品供应商,自成立以来,公司始终坚持以“服务客户”为本,以“合作双赢”为发展动力,秉承“信誉,质量至上”的经营理念。 目前公司主营品牌包括:德国汉高(henkel)及旗下的乐泰loctite、贝格斯bergquist、国民淀粉National Starch、泰罗松Teroson等;美国陶氏(Dow)及旗下的道康宁Dow Corning、杜邦Dupont、3M、爱牢达、日本三键Threebond。产品包括工业粘合剂和金属表面处理产品以及相关配套设备。 产品领域涵盖结构胶、密封剂、锁固剂、润滑剂、清洗剂等。 主要服务于电子电气,电力通讯,医疗,汽车机械,轨道交通,航空船舶,木工建材,包装复合等工业的生产。为其提供所需的全系列密封,粘接,三防保护,复合等胶粘剂产品。上海环央化工致力于为客户提供*的胶粘剂和表面处理产品和服务。将以专业的技术,严谨的提供客户、可靠、稳定的工业品解决方案,将产品**较好的传递给客户!