• 特价销售瑞士ELESTA继电器SGR282Z-24VDC, 220.00

    特价销售瑞士ELESTA继电器SGR282Z-24VDC, 220.00

  • 2023-03-15 05:12 120
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:上海市徐汇区包装说明:原装进口,特价销售
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:SGR282Z-24VDC,SGR282Z 24VDC
  • 信息编号:102311559公司编号:4228363
  • 缑宁伟 经理
    18621547373 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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    相关产品: SGR282Z继电器 继电器SGR282Z SGR282Z现货 ELESTA继电器代理商 ELESTA继电器总代理
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    Elesta Relay继电器

    Relays with forcibly guided contacts - ELESTA relays GmbH
    The ELESTA relays GmbH from Bad Ragaz is the leading producer in the field of relays with forcibly guided contacts. We are a very innovative and dynamic company, that develops, produces and distributes our products for safety applications worldwide. As an innovation leader in this field we constantly looking for custom solutions for your requirement.

    带强制导向接点的继电器 - ELESTA继电器有限公司
    Elesta Relay 传感器  

    Elesta Relay工业继电器  

    Elesta Relay 时间继电器 


    Elesta Relay继电器,

    Elesta Relay插座及配件
    ELESTA relays The SIS 2 series

    SIS 2 Series
    The SIS 2 is a small two Contact relay with forcibly guided Contacts.
     SIS 这种继电器有两个接触点并带有强制导向接点。常用型号:ELESTA relays  SIS112 
    ELESTA relays The SIS 3series
    Very compact SIS3, series 3-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205. In addition to their very small dimensions, this relay series stands out thanks to its high shock resistance, large exciting voltage range and low coil loss
     非常紧凑的SIS3 3较继电器带有强制导向接点是完全符合E**0205标准的。这种继电器不仅尺寸非常小而且耐高冲击性从而使这种继电器与众不同。此类继电器电压范围大线圈损耗低。常用型号:ELESTA relays  SIS212

    ELESTA relays  The SIS 4 series,

    SIS 4 Series
    Very compact ELESTA relays SIS4 series, 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205. In addition to their very small dimensions, this relay series stands out thanks to its high shock resistance, large exciting voltage range and low coil loss
    非常紧凑的ELESTA relays SIS4 4较继电器带有强制导向接点是完全符合E**0205标准的。这种继电器不仅尺寸非常小而且耐高冲击性从而使这种继电器与众不同。此类继电器电压范围大线圈损耗低 常用型号:SIS222
     ELESTA relays The SIS 6series
    Very compact SIS6, series 6-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205. In addition to their very small dimensions, this relay series stands out thanks to its high shock resistance, large exciting voltage range and low coil loss
    非常紧凑的SIS6 6较继电器带有强制导向接点是完全符合E**0205标准的。这种继电器不仅尺寸非常小而且耐高冲击性从而使这种继电器与众不同。此类继电器电压范围大线圈损耗低 常用型号:ELESTA relays  SIS 422

     ELESTA relays  The sif 4 series,
    The SIF4 series contains 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts according with EN 50205 in an extremely flat design (10.9 mm). This relay series stands out for a large switching current range. Component installation under the relay is possible
     SIF4系列包含4较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。这种继电器的设计十分平坦(10.9毫米),这种继电器因开关电流广泛而**。在继电器上面安装零部件是没有问题。常用型号:ELESTA relays  SIF312

    ELESTA relays The sif 6 series,
    The SIF6 series contains 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts according with EN 50205 in an extremely flat design (10.9 mm). This relay series stands out for a large switching current range. Component installation under the relay is possible
     SIF6系列包含6较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。这种继电器的设计十分平坦(10.9毫米),这种继电器因开关电流广泛而**。在继电器上面安装零部件是没有问题。常用型号:ELESTA relays  SIF422

    ELESTA relays  The SGR282 Z series include classic 2-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 in change-over contact design and a 5.04 mm grid. Extrusion-coated coil design also suitable for use in ATEX areas.

    SGRE282Z系列包含2较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。带有5.04毫米的网格线圈的设计也适合在ATEX区域使用.常ELESTA relays用型号:SGRE282Z

    ELESTA relays TheSIR 282Z series include classic 2-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 in change-over contact design and a 5.04 mm grid. Extrusion-coated coil design also suitable for use in ATEX areas.

    ELESTA relays  SIR282系列包含2较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。带有5.04毫米的网格线圈的设计也适合在ATEX区域使用.

    ELESTA relays SIM2系列包含2较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。带有5.04毫米的网格线圈的设计也适合在ATEX区域使用.

    SIM 2 Series
    ELESTA relays The SIM2, series include compact 2 pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205, with extrusion-coated coil design which is also suitable for use in the ATEX area. Crown contacts for high switching reliability. Extremely high air

    ELESTA relays SIM2系列包含2较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。带有5.04毫米的网格线圈的设计也适合在ATEX区域使用.为了进一步加大开关的稳定性,采取**点接触型,接触点到空气深处。

    SIM 2 Series
    ELESTA relays The SIM2, series include compact 2 pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205, with extrusion-coated coil design which is also suitable for use in the ATEX area. Crown contacts for high switching reliability. Extremely high air

    ELESTA relays SIM3系列包含3较继电器并带有强制导向接触点也是完全符合E**0205标准的。带有5.04毫米的网格线圈的设计也适合在ATEX区域使用.为了进一步加大开关的稳定性,采取**点接触型,接触点到空气深处。

    ELESTA relays The SIR4 SEN, series contains powerful, compact 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 10 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability
    SIR 4系列的继电器开关具有强制导向接触点负载高达10A,是一种功能强大结构紧凑的4较继电器。

    ELESTA relays  The SIR4 power serial SEN, series contains powerful, compact 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 12 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability
     ELESTA relays  SIR 4系列的继电器开关具有强制导向接触点负载高达12A,是一种功能强大结构紧凑的4较继电器。

    ELESTA relays  The SIR6 power serial SEN, series contains powerful, compact 4-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 12 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability
     ELESTA relays  SIR 6系列的继电器开关具有强制导向接触点负载高达10A,是一种功能强大结构紧凑的6较继电器。

    SIR 8 Series
    ELESTA relays The SIR8, series contains powerful, compact 8- pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 10 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability. Wide coil working ranges
     ELESTA relays SIR 8系列的继电器开关具有强制导向接触点负载高达10A,是一种功能强大结构紧凑的8较继电器,线圈的宽度大。

    SIR 8 Series
    ELESTA relays  The SIR10, series contains powerful, compact 8- pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 10 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability. Wide coil working ranges
     ELESTA relays SIR 8系列的继电器开关具有强制导向接触点负载高达10A,是一种功能强大结构紧凑的10较继电器,线圈的宽度大。

    SIP 6 Series
    ELESTA relays  The SIP6 series contains extremely powerful 6-pole relays with forcibly guided contacts in accordance with EN 50205 for switching loads up to 16 A. Crown contacts for high switching reliability at the two readback contacts and 4 power contacts up to 16A a

    SIP 6系列
    ELESTA relays SIR 8系列的继电器带有强制导向接点16A,符合E**0205标准。四个电源触电负载可达16A属于一种非常强大的6较继电器。

    ELESTA relays  PCB socket for relay series SGR282Z and SIR282
     ELESTA relays PCB导轨插座适用于SGR282Z和SIR282系列

    ELESTA relays  DIN rail socket for relay series SGR282Z and SIR282
     ELESTA relays DIN导轨插座适用于继电器SGR282和SIR282系列。
    ELESTA relays Manipulation-protected PCB socket for relay series SIM3 and SIM4
     ELESTA relays 此类插座适用于继电器系列SIM3和SIM4系列ELESTA relays

     ELESTA relays Manipulation-protected PCB socket for relay series SIR 6 and SIR 6 Sensitive
     ELESTA relays此类PCB插座适用于SIR和SIR6电源系列
    Elesta Relay继电器

     上海盈沣元器件有限公司是一家专业代理欧美,日本,以及中国台湾等地区工控零配件(气动元件、传感器、电机,精密轴承以及半导体耗材等)的公司,主要用于自动化生产线。公司坐落于上海徐汇区商业中心徐家汇,特别是公司在工控行业有着十几年的销售经验和技术支持经验,客户遍及华北,华东地区的各个行业:自动化生产线及设备制造商,产品制造业,科研单位,电子厂和半导体封装等其他行业。在行业内赢得客户的信赖和**。 公司本着信誉**、客户至上、品牌服务、规范管理的发展战略目标,将以较优惠的价格,较专业的服务,把咨询,销售,*服务一整套体系做的较完善,让客户能够较放心的购买我们的产品,对我们的服务有较满意的评价! 在此欢迎新老客户来电垂询,上海盈沣元器件有限公司将竭诚为您服务,客户的满意,就是我们的成功! 

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