阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 北京黄页 > 顺义黄页 > 北京皓宇天成自动化技术有限公司


  • 所属行业:加工 橡胶加工 橡胶成型加工
  • 供应厂家:北京皓宇天成自动化技术有限公司
  • 公司地址:北京市顺义区颐瑞中二路110号
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-4073211.html
  • 主营产品:玻璃吸盘,吊具,海绵吸盘,机械手吸盘,耐高温吸盘,椭圆吸盘
  • 王洋 经理 18800080058 / 010-59445900
  • 进入店铺
    Located in Tongzhou District of the capital Beijing, Beijing Hao Yu Tiancheng Automation Technology Corporation is a leading and high-tech enterprise specialized in vacuum components, vacuum lifting, spreader robot kits, accessory R&D, producing and marketing, with superior location and convenient traffic. Our products are widely used in machinery, automobile, electronics, aviation and other fields. Having a team of professional engineers, we analyze, study and absorb the essence of similar products on the domestic and international market, we constantly innovate, we design, purchase and produce in strict accordance with international quality standards to make our product performance more stable, to ensure our products better, safer, more competitive. Our products are well sold throughout the country.
    In recent years, our company is committed to building high-quality image of our products, making continuous process improvement and improving testing measures, to ensure the high-quality performance of each finished product.
    Hao Yu Tiancheng Corporation adheres to the concept of people-oriented, customer first, and strives to provide customers with superior, efficient, timely and thoughtful service.
    欢迎来到北京皓宇天成自动化技术有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市顺义区公司街道地址,联系人是。
    单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元 - 30 万元。
    本公司主要经营sKeys等等,是一家专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。公司尊崇“踏实、拼搏、责任的企业精神,并以诚信、共赢、开创经营理念,创造良好的企业环境,以全新的管理模式,完善的技术,周到的服务,卓越的品质为生存根本,我们始终坚持用户至上 用心服务于客户,坚持用自己的服务去打动客户。欢迎各位新老客户来我公司参观指导工作,您如果对我们的产品感兴趣或者有任何的疑问,您可以直接给我们留言或直接与我们联络,我们将在收到您的信息后,会第一时间及时与您联络, 我们衷心的希望能与各届朋友合作,携手未来,共享成功的成果!欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。