阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 广东黄页 > 东莞黄页 > IN Home enterprise limited

    IN Home enterprise limited

  • 所属行业:汽配 车身及附件
  • 供应厂家:IN Home enterprise limited
  • 公司地址:广东省东莞市黄江镇China Mainland
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3950515.html
  • 主营产品:led car light, auto led light, car led lamp, car led light, car led bulb, car light
  • Amy Zhou 业务员 18676983665005 / 86-769-83665005
  • 进入店铺
    In Home Enterprise is one of a professional manufacturer in LED Lamps for 10 years, we have reach experience in serving customer from aboard, mainly in European Union, such as Germany U.K. France and Poland. More than 600 kinds of bulb already in our product family, and 40 new products come into the market every year base on our strong R&D team. 
    Our mainly products are LED car light,  LED strip, LED spot lamp, G4 LED, G9 LED , LED working light, LED pool light, LED underground light, LED flood light, LED bay light. 
    "Good quality and service, mutually beneficial cooperation" is always our principle, Hope to establish a long-term successful alliance with you in the near future.
    欢迎来到IN Home enterprise limited网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市黄江镇公司街道地址,联系人是。
    主要经营LED car light, LED strip, LED spot lamp, G4 LED, G9 LED , LED working light, LED pool light, LED underground light, LED flood light, LED bay light。
    本公司以诚信为先,质量为本,服务至上为宗旨,专营sKeys等系列产品,您可以通过我司方式联系我们,准确提供您所需要的车辆型号(最好能提供车辆识别号)和零件名称(或配件实物号),我们核准车辆型号后会尽快给您报价。公司经营理念:以质量求生存,以价格赢顾客,以信誉促发展。 公司服务口号:质量先行,服务殿后,让您买得放心,用得舒心。 公司服务承诺:凡本公司所售拆车件,确保装车好使好用,否则包换、包退! 本司秉承“以质量求生存,以价格赢顾客,以信誉促发展。”的经营理念,致力于汽车配件行业的蓬勃发展。