阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 广东黄页 > 东莞黄页 > 东莞市欣宝仪器有限公司


  • 所属行业:包装 包装检测设备 抗压试验机
  • 供应厂家:东莞市欣宝仪器有限公司
  • 公司地址:广东省东莞市茶山镇茶山京山第三工业区
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3797120.html
  • 主营产品:恒温恒湿试验箱,盐雾机 ,拉力机,模拟运输振动台,冷热冲击试验箱
  • 王朝 经理 13450034576 / 0769-33365960
  • 进入店铺
     Dongguan Xin Bao Instrument Co., Ltd. was established in 1978, now 30 years of history, is a professional production environment, class, mechanics, package testing equipment manufacturers (constant temperature and humidity chambers, environmental chambers, thermal shock test case, rapid temperature change test machine, yellowing resistance, aging test chamber, salt spray chamber, tensile testing machine, universal testing machine, carton compression testing machines, bursting strength testing machine, vibration test, etc.) with the world norms: ISO , ASTM, DIN, EN, GB, BS, JIS, ANSI, UL, TAPPI, AATCC, IEC, VDE .... are used, the product widely used in: scientific research, quality inspection institutions, universities and rubber, tires, plastic, metal, wire and cable, footwear, leather, packaging, building materials, petrochemical, aviation ... .., and thus promote the quality of Taiwan culture and even the Southeast Asian countries, 30 years, thousands of Yan Bao customers, far and wide, then One of tens of thousands, world famous. Dongguan Xin Bao company has so far, two production bases in Taiwan, Suzhou, Fujian, Kunshan, Zhejiang, with offices in unrivaled quality advantage, dynamic management team with superb manufacturing process, the development of creative thinking in the international , standardized, professional quality policy, Xin Bao will gradually move towards an international brand.
    欢迎来到东莞市欣宝仪器有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市茶山镇公司街道地址,联系人是。
    单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 30 万元 - 50 万元。
    我司是一家包装企业,集商贸、营销、生产销售为一体的、诚信于社会各行业、团体和个人的生产形企业。公司主营:sKeys!设备先进、更有一班高素质专业技术人员,系统与整体的优势,先进的管理及运作方式,对产品质量、精益求精、视质量为企业生命、一直是我们的经营理念。 诚信经营、用户至上、质量为本的经营方式、服务于社会。 信誉、高效、快捷、优质 、客户至上。 希望新老客户来电、来人、来样合作洽谈有关事宜。