- 所属行业:泵阀 泵阀管件 铆钉
- 供应厂家:东莞市舜银五金制品有限公司
- 公司地址:广东省东莞市东城街道东城区火炼树*三工业区
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3784699.html
- 主营产品:银触点,五金冲压件,模内铆接件,焊合件,铆钉,特殊螺丝,AC-DC插件
13392366980 / 076985398500
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公司自主品牌“MISHUN 美舜”电工,坚持“品质电工营造品味生活”品牌核心价值、致力于广大消费者提供较优质品牌服务!坚持以人为本、市场为导向;与时俱进,大力推进品牌建设,实施国际化经营战略;不断提升企业的核心竞争力。目前,公司建立起以中国香港为总部的**营销体系,销售网络遍布全国各地及**欧洲、东南亚、非洲、中东、大洋洲等60多个国家和地区。
秉承“满足客户为基 品质至上为本、持续改进为法、企业成功之道”的经营理念,公司以科学设计、专业制造、精益求精的生产制造工艺,深得**及广大消费者认可!
Mishun(Hong Kong) Industral Co., Ltd. was established in 2005 with registered capital of 10 million;'s wholly owned "Silver Dongguan Shun Metal Products Co., Ltd." located in the "manufacturing capital of the world" - Dongguan, is a collection development, production and sales of integrated enterprise.
Companies own brand "MISHUN" electrician, adhere to the "quality electrician create Lifestyle" brand core values, commitment to providing our consumers with the best quality brands! Adhere to the people-oriented, market-oriented; times, vigorously promote brand building, the implementation of international business strategy; continuously enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Currently, the company established a Hong Kong-based global marketing system and sales network throughout the country and exported to Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East, Oceania, more than 60 countries and regions.
Adhering to the "meet customer base,quality first, continuous improvement of law, Business success" business philosophy, the company with the scientific design, manufacturing, process manufacturing excellence, won the peers and the general consumer recognition!
欢迎来到东莞市舜银五金制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省东莞市东城街道公司街道地址,联系人是。
主要经营三复合触点/接点 银触点 触点 电器触点 环保触点 电触点 异型触点 铆钉触头 焊接触点 铆接触点 银点 银接点 双复合触点等
我们公司是一家专业的泵阀企业,严格执行ISO9001国际质量管理体系标准,重质量,守信用。主营sKeys,得到用户一致**!公司上下始终以客户满意为宗旨,严把质量关,积极开拓创新,与时俱进,不断地完善自己,提升市场占有率,并积极参与国内外市场竞争。企业一贯以质量为生命,市场为导向,坚持以人为本的企业理念,严格技术管理与技术更新,以优质的产品质量和完善的售后服务回报社会。让我们共树民族品牌,共创美好明天。 顾客至上,服务**,品质保证!尊重个性,发挥综合能力,企业充满激情与活力!