阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 江苏黄页 > 苏州黄页 > 苏州道达自动化设备有限公司


  • 所属行业:机械 输送设备 传动带
  • 供应厂家:苏州道达自动化设备有限公司
  • 公司地址:江苏省苏州相城区相城渭塘骑河路14号
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3716386.html
  • 主营产品:苏州流水线|流水线|皮带流水线|喷涂流水线|自动喷涂设备
  • 王志同 经理 13913127116 / 0512-87667823
  • 进入店铺
    Suzhou Daoda, Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. is specialized in industrial automation, logistics, warehousing equipment, painting and environmental protection equipment development, design, manufacturing,Service in one of specialized, production-oriented enterprises. The company has developed automated, systematic, professional, comprehensive logistics equipment manufacturing enterprises, from the hardwareGrabbed equipment, software development, the use of parallel development.
           Dauda automation equipment to adhere to the principle of "innovation-oriented" concept, the employ-ment of professional and technical personnel to provide a powerful guarantee for the creation and development of the company.Bold innovation, constantly on the road to development and the effect of R & D forefront of the market's most automation equipment and perseverance. The company has established a perfect quality controlSystem, in order to improve product life and maintenance to provide protection.
           Our products are sold nationwide in major industrial city, and is ready to enter the international market. The products are widely used in machinery, electronic appliances, rubber, food, medicalMedicine, environmental protection, automotive, biotechnology, chemical, military, textile, postal, warehousing, tobacco and other various types of industry and distribution centers and factories, logistics; DaudaAlso the logistics industry experts, the spirit of "integrity, innovation, pioneering the concept of development, relying on the good economic environment, a 
    complete manufacturing equipment, quality of serviceService system, for your timely design the best solution. And provide consultation, planning, design to manufacturing, training, maintenance and a complete set of services for 
    your businessThe development and expansion of a dedicated force.
    欢迎来到苏州道达自动化设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是江苏省苏州相城区公司街道地址,老板是王志同。
    单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元 - 30 万元。
    我们公司有sKeys等产品。集研究、开发、生产为一体,技术力量雄厚,其中高、中级的职称的工程技术人员占全体职员工的30%以上,各种 专业配套设备齐全,生产工艺先进,具有完善的质量**体系,产品质量严格把关,精益求精,产品合格率高。多年来 在科技人员的不断努力下,集众家之长,精心研制机械产品,各项技术指标,**于国家标准,在**业中****。我们公司以诚挚的心,优质的产品,*的服务,合理的价格,欢迎各界朋友光临。