- 所属行业:印刷 印后设备 制袋机
- 供应厂家:瑞安市立林机械有限公司
- 公司地址:浙江省浙江瑞安市瑞安市飞云镇南港工业区
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3535490.html
- 主营产品:
18858813588 / 0577-65023567
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关于我们 瑞安市立林机械有限公司,是一家专业的纸袋机械制造商,创始于2006年,公司自成立以来一直致力于纸袋机械的研发和生产,不断引进高新技术,结合市场需求不断开发更高品质、更高效率的新产品,以满足市场需求。 立林主要产品:LHB-450卷筒纸全自动手挽纸袋机、LSB-450卷筒纸方底纸袋机、LSB-290卷筒纸方底纸袋机、LSB-190卷筒纸方底纸袋机、LFD-350卷筒式方底纸袋机、LMD-600全自动高速食品纸袋机、LMD-400全自动高速食品纸袋机、LSY-100高速手挽机,产品已销往东南亚、欧洲、中东、非洲、南美洲等三十多个国家和地区。 企业自创办以来,始终坚持“科技为先,质量为本”的经营理念,凭着诚实守信的经营作风、优异的产品质量和优良的服务取胜为原则,为用户实现价值最大化来体现我自价值。竭诚欢迎国内外客商前来参观或来电咨询。 About us Ruian Lilin machinery Co., LTD., is a professional paper bag machine manufacturer.It was founded in 2006, since its inception,the company has been committed to the r&d and production of paper bag making machine, constantly introducing new and high technology, combined with market demands and constantly develop new products, higher quality, higher efficiency to meet the market demands. Lilin main products: LHB-450Fully Automatic Roll-fed Square Bottom Paper Bag Machine ,LSB-450Roll Feeding Square Bottom Paper Bag Machine, LSB-290Roll Feeding Square Bottom Paper Bag Machine, LSB-190Roll Feeding Square Bottom Paper Bag Machine, LFD-350 reel feeding square bottom paper bag making machine, LMD - 600 fully automatic high-speed food paper bag machine, LMD - 400 fully automatic high-speed food paper bag machine, LSY - 100 high-speed paper handle machine,these products have been sold to southeast Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America and other more than 30 countries and regions. Since its inception, the enterprise always adhere to the ";technology first, quality first"; business philosophy, with honest and trustworthy operating style, excellent product quality and excellent service to win for the principle, for the user to achieve maximum value to reflect my value. Wholeheartedly welcome the domestic and foreign merchants to come to visit or inquire.
品牌名称 : 立林
质量控制 : 内部
欢迎来到瑞安市立林机械有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省公司街道地址,老板是王学林。
我司是一家集科技研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业。公司主营:sKeys,拥有一支技术一流、经验丰富的的专业队伍,公司还不断引进完整科学的管理体系,现已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证, 主导产品均通过CE认证。 专业品质、精心制造、诚信经营、用心服务!