- 所属行业:家电 家居小家电 氧气机
- 供应厂家:北京爱尔康商贸有限公司
- 公司地址:北京市朝阳区北京市朝阳区亮马桥东路2号
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3493514.html
- 主营产品:制氧机,氧气机,吸氧机,英维康,易氧源,鱼跃制氧机,医用制氧机
13911065294 / 010-85401200
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Invacare Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer and distributor in the $8.0 billion worldwide market for medical equipment used in the home. The company designs, manufactures, and distributes an extensive line of health care products for the non-acute care environment, including the home health care, retail, and extended care markets.
When the company was acquired in December 1979 by Mal Mixon and a small group of investors, it had $19.5 million in net sales and a limited product line of standard wheelchairs and patient aids.
Today, Invacare has reached approximately $1.5 billion in net sales and is the leading company in each of the following major, non-acute, medical equipment categories: power and manual wheelchairs, home care bed systems, and home oxygen systems.
Invacare is the only company in the home medical equipment industry with a full line of products:
Rehab Products
Custom power and custom manual wheelchairs, seating and positioning, and scooters.
Respiratory Products
Oxygen systems, sleep, and nebulizers.
Standard Products
Bath safety, walkers, wheelchairs, beds, and therapeutic support surfaces.
The company sells its products to over 25,000 home health care and medical equipment providers, distributors, and government locatio
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主要经营家用制氧机 鱼跃氧气机 家庭制氧机 小型制氧机 制氧设备 北京制氧机 氧立得制氧机 分子筛制氧机 鱼跃氧气机 家用氧气瓶 海尔氧气机 海龟制氧机 Invacare公司 Airsep制氧机 Aircare公司 奥吉制氧机 亚奥制氧机。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元 - 30 万元。