阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 贵州黄页 > 贵阳黄页 > 贵州鸿利昌商贸有限公司


  • 所属行业:冶金 铁合金 锰铁
  • 供应厂家:贵州鸿利昌商贸有限公司
  • 公司地址:贵州省贵阳南明区贵州贵阳市南明区贵阳市遵义路105号解放大厦
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3477682.html
  • 主营产品:
  • 刘论 总经理 18685131668 / 0851-86619550
  • 进入店铺
    贵州鸿利昌商贸有限公司是贵阳市工商行政管理局批准成立的专营有色金属,黑色金属,硅铁合金,机械设备,五金交电,电线电缆,矿产品,化工产品等.并集生产与销售,运输为一体的综合性企业,下属企业有麻江铁合金厂、龙腾集团等年生产十万多吨硅猛合金和镇远力达铁合金厂年生产二十万吨硅铁合金.公司成立于二00八年四月份,公司本着"以诚信求发展,以质量求生存"的宗旨,结合贵州的自然资源,目前我公司以与多家锌厂,平坝铁厂,修文铁厂,铁合金厂,铁业冶炼厂,焦化厂等**企业开展产销联营现有业务往来,在我国内建立了稳定基础的信誉销售网络。 Guizhou hong li chang trading company is Guiyang City Administration for Industry and Commerce approved the establishment of the franchise non-ferrous metal, black metal, alloy, mechanical equipment, Wujinjiaodian, wire and cable, mineral products, chemical products and so on. And production and sales, transportation as one of the integrated enterprise, subordinate enterprises, Majiang ferroalloy plant dragon group, the production of more than one hundred thousand tons of silicon hard alloy and force Zhenyuan iron alloy factory annual production of two hundred thousand tons of ferrosilicon alloy. The company was established in two to 00 in April eight, the company spirit of"; seeking development in good faith, to the quality of survival "purpose, combined with the natural resources of Guizhou, the company with a number of zinc factory, flat iron, Xiuwen plant, ferroalloy plant, iron industry smelting plant, coking plant, and other well-known enterprises to develop production and marketing joint venture of the existing business, in our country to establish a stable sales network based reputation.   我公司拥有一支素质好,业务能力强,有一定专业技术人才的产销队伍.随着以后不断的发展,我们和您的合作将是你明智的选择.欢迎广大商家到我厂考察洽谈。 My company has a good quality, professional ability is strong, have certain professional and technical personnel and marketing team. With the future development, we and your cooperation will be your wise choice. Welcome businessmen to visit our factory to negotiate. TEL: Fax:  
    加工方式 : 其他;
    工艺 : 金属铸造;
    品牌名称 : 贵州鸿利昌商贸有限公司
    欢迎来到贵州鸿利昌商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是贵州省贵阳南明区公司街道地址,老板是刘论。
    我们公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户**”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。公司主营产品:sKeys,品质至上是对产品质量的不懈追求,每批次制造成品前检验、生产过程包装质量检验、库检、发货前检验确保产品出厂合格率*。公司吸纳了全国各地的行业精英,组建了一支年轻有为的生产、科研、采购、管理和销售 队伍使产品焕然一新,销售收入成倍增长。我们遵循“合作、和谐、发展、双赢”的原则,与全国供应商建立了深厚的友谊和良好的合作关系,在风云变幻的市场经济大潮* 谋发展;我们坚持“诚信、品牌、服务、创新”的经营 理念,共铸品牌塑造和谐营销,建立双赢的战略合作伙伴关系。