- 所属行业:
- 供应厂家:广州木石轩艺雕厂
- 公司地址:广东省广州市番禺区广州市番禺区沙湾镇龙湾村龙湾工业2区2栋1-2层
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3467127.html
- 主营产品:木雕大象.木雕马,木雕牛,木雕狗,木雕龙,木雕犀牛,木雕人型
13660426619 / 020-88473258
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广州木石轩艺雕厂,主要生产木雕工艺品.工艺精良.产品多样.动物,人物.神像.国际名人.抽像等等.全部采用中国传统手工制做,大部分产品都采用.紫檀.黄黑檀.红檀.花梨木,为原料雕刻.黄黑檀.紫檀.红檀.花梨木.都是名贵木材..Guangzhou, China carved wooden石轩art plant, the main production carvings handicrafts. Process well. Product diversity. Animal characters. Statues. International celebrities.抽像and so on. All use the traditional Chinese handmade do, most products are used. Red sandalwood. Huang黑檀. Hong Tan. Ro*ood, raw materials for the sculpture. Huang黑檀. red sandalwood. hong Tan. ro*ood. are valuable timber. both produced in China. Southeast Asian region. top grade wood carving is a collectible. wooden high density hard. Wood delicate. Texture clearly visible and will not crack, the release, the longer越漂亮,闲时could be in the hands of futzing with it, the course of time wood naturally formed on the surface of the package Pulp more elegant simple. After the hand-carved surface treatment will be smooth, polished surface wax. do not add any staining. is the natural arts and crafts harmful to humans, can decorate room. landscaping life has Friends of the pro-sent. improve lifestyle.
欢迎来到广州木石轩艺雕厂网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市番禺区公司街道地址,老板是李大庆。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元以下。