- 所属行业:汽修 汽车保养设备 充电机
- 供应厂家:广州市普今电子科技有限公司
- 公司地址:广东省广州市增城区广东广州市增城区新塘镇广深路太平洋工业区138号
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3430630.html
- 主营产品:
18819805934 / 020-38087391
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广州市普今电子科技有限公司是一家集产品研发、生产及销售为一体的高科技企业,位于南方的经济、文化、政治中心——广州。毗邻贸易发达的中国香港,随时可获得国际上较新的科技信息,方便与国外客户沟通,以保证本公司的产品处在世界科技的良好水平。普今电子专注开发、生产、销售修正正弦波逆变电器、**弦波逆变器、电源转换器、开关电源、太阳能控制器等产品。公司拥有优秀的开发团队,强大技术力量,大规模的生产能力,并且拥有自主品牌:BELTTT。我司生产的电源产品在市场上得到广泛的认可和赞誉。 公司本着“诚信,创新,共赢”的经营理念,秉承“品质**、顾客至上 ”之质量方针, 奉行“ 顾客就是上帝 ”的服务准则。普今电子凭借强大的产品优势和销售网络,愿为顾客提供较专业、较方便、较快捷的产品支持及售前售中售后服务。普今电子真诚期待与新老客户携手共进、开创美好明天! Guangzhou PooJin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a product development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises; in the south of the economic, cultural and political center - Guangzhou. Adjacent to the Hong Kong trade developed, ready access to the latest international information technology to facilitate communication with foreign customers, to ensure that our products in the world"s leading science and technology. general focus on this e-development, production, modified sine wave inverter appliance sales, pure sine wave inverter, power converter, switching power supply, solar controllers and other products. We have excellent development team. Powerful technical force. Large-scale production. And with their own brand: BELTTT. Our products in the market is widely recognized and praised. The company in line with "; the good faith, the innovation, altogether wins "; the management idea, receives "; the quality first, customer to be supreme "; the quality policy, carries out "; the customer is God "; service criterion. Pu the electron relies on the formidable product superiority and the sales network now, is willing to provide for the customer most specialized, is most convenient, the quickest product support and pre-sale sells the post-sale service. Pu now the electronic sincere anticipation and the new old customer will advance together, foundation happy tomorrow hand in hand!
欢迎来到广州市普今电子科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市增城区公司街道地址,联系人是。