- 所属行业:汽配 汽车发动机配件 发动机油封
- 供应厂家:任县三威橡胶工业有限公司
- 公司地址:河北省邢台任县河北任县河北省邢台任县天口村
- 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3423414.html
- 主营产品:
13730139135 / 0319-2275366
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河北省任县三威橡胶工业有限公司,位于交通便利的邢台市任县天口,占地面积20000平方米,建筑面积7000平方米。公司始建于1996年,是河北最早引进台湾油封生产工艺的现代化企业. 本公司生产各种密封产品,产品有汽车摩托车发动机油封、氟橡胶气门油封、国标及非标油封、硅橡胶O型圈等,摩托车三向轮、高压帽、油管、弯管。 本厂自备数控车床和数控铣床等先进加工设备,可设计生产各种橡胶密封件,油封模具. Sanwei Rubber Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Xiangtai city Hebei province, the transportation here is convenient and the communication prospers. Sanwei is founded in 1996, and 2000 founded a department in Guangzhou. Sanwei Rubber Research &Development Center in Hebei University of Science & Technology, which is a hi-tech enterprise gathering scientific research and production. The company based on the Core Ideality that is “Create Value for Clients”. With the worldwide advanced production equipments and testing instruments, the company adopts international advanced production, management and testing technologies. The company has passed the QS9000 & ISO9001 as well as ISO/TS16949 International Quality System Certificate successively to offer customers with satisfied products and excellent service. The company produces over 1000 kinds of products, and main products are all kinds of case oil seals and rubber sealing products with the brand “KTO”. As one of the main scientific research production base of rubber sealing products in China, the company supply OEM parts to more than 100 companies in domestic and products are exported directly to Euro、USA、Southeast Asia and other countries & areas and so on
品牌名称 : KTO
质量控制 : 内部
欢迎来到任县三威橡胶工业有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省邢台任县公司街道地址,老板是郝建考。
本公司以诚信为先,质量为本,服务至上为宗旨,专营sKeys等系列产品,您可以通过我司方式联系我们,准确提供您所需要的车辆型号(最好能提供车辆识别号)和零件名称(或配件实物号),我们核准车辆型号后会尽快给您报价。公司经营理念:以质量求生存,以价格赢顾客,以信誉促发展。 公司服务口号:质量先行,服务殿后,让您买得放心,用得舒心。 公司服务承诺:凡本公司所售拆车件,确保装车好使好用,否则包换、包退! 本司秉承“以质量求生存,以价格赢顾客,以信誉促发展。”的经营理念,致力于汽车配件行业的蓬勃发展。