阿德采购网 > 企业黄页 > 广东黄页 > 深圳黄页 > 深圳市纪元鼎盛科技有限公司


  • 所属行业:包装 包装制品 化工包装
  • 供应厂家:深圳市纪元鼎盛科技有限公司
  • 公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华大浪街道华霆路228号
  • 公司网址:http://www.cg160.cn/gs-3411023.html
  • 主营产品:电子胶水,防震动警示标签,防倾斜警示标签,邦定铝线,钢嘴,粘接胶水
  • 张先生 销售经理 13510929002 / 0755-23597186
  • 进入店铺
    Shenzhen Ji Yuan Ding Sheng technology Co., Ltd. has always devoted ourselves to the manufacturing of electronic components and decorative accessories. We also provide the consulting service on technical or specific inquiries. Since we started, we have always taken effort on continuous improvement and innovation, we believe which can help us to meet the demand of who has either on the cost or on the quality. We have accomplished the trust and the support from most of our customer with qualified services and products.   
    Enterprise Culture 企业文化
    Communicating in all sincerity
    Accomplishing with professionalism and attentiveness
    Upholding integrity, benefitting each other, keeping long-term relationship
    Comprehensive setup and accurate details
    What We Do 我们的事业
    我们代理销售美国赫能、美国CCC,GAISER,韩国元化学、DOVER、heyday和Andhesive材料,我们结合中国市场客户的多样化需求提供一整套的产品解决方案,我们所代理的产品涵盖了以下多个领域: SMT表面贴装、IC集成电路封装、COB封装,LED及衍生产品的封装与组装、石材贴装,光电触控显示器件封装与组装(LCD/LCM/PDP/OLED)、电子元件及器件的封装…… 在不同应用领域中起到各种主要或辅助作用:粘接Bonding、密封Sealing、保护Protecting、灌封Potting、包封Encapsulating、涂覆Coating、填充 Filling、导电Conducting、导热Thermal Conducting……
    We are the sales agent of Hernon(US),CCC(US), GAISER, Won Chemical(South Korea), DOVER, HEYDAY and Andhesive. We offers the full solution from the material procurement to box-building according to the variety request in domestic market. Our products are used in different fields, such as SMT surface mounting, Integrated Circuit package, COB package, LED and derivative products package or assembly, stone mounting, Photoelectric touch screen display device package or assembly(such as LCD/LCM/PDP/OLED), electronic components or accessories package, etc. Our products are used as main part or the auxiliary tool in different area, such as bonding, sealing, protecting, potting, encapsulating, coating, filling, conducting, thermal conducting, etc.  
    Products: aluminum wires, potting glue, steel nozzle, stonmaterial adhesive, chipbonder (underfill dispensing glue). 
    欢迎来到深圳市纪元鼎盛科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市公司街道地址,老板是张浩源。
    单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 10 万元 - 30 万元。
    我司是一家包装企业,集商贸、营销、生产销售为一体的、诚信于社会各行业、团体和个人的生产形企业。公司主营:sKeys!设备先进、更有一班高素质专业技术人员,系统与整体的优势,先进的管理及运作方式,对产品质量、精益求精、视质量为企业生命、一直是我们的经营理念。 诚信经营、用户至上、质量为本的经营方式、服务于社会。 信誉、高效、快捷、优质 、客户至上。 希望新老客户来电、来人、来样合作洽谈有关事宜。