our factory locates in the famous business port of Guangxi province-Wuzhou, which has a beautiful scenery and convinent traffic & communication. It locates in the west of Guangzhou & the east of Nanning-capital of Guangxi. Around wuzhou, people plant excellent kinds of bamboo.just beacuse of these, we can produce excellent bamboo strip and toothpick.we now have a number of special equipments and experts to guarantee the quality. company daily output is 1.5ton. We can also make bamboo strip according to your sample and requirement. Based on honesty and faith, we hope to create a wide future with friends from China or all over the world.
欢迎来到好运竹签厂网站, 具体地址是广西壮族自治区梧州公司街道地址,联系人是。