DJs series high sensitive lightning arrester discharge recorder is mainly composed of sampler, sensor, adapter box, display, supporting transmission cable and some electronic components. Under normal operating voltage, the change of leakage current through lightning arrester is transmitted to the display through sampler and relevant cables, and converted into digital ** and displayed under the control of microprocessor in the display through amplification circuit and a / D conversion circuit in the display.
Long press the "F" key, then "CLR" will prompt whether all counts are cleared, and "-" will be displayed. After a "-" appears Execute the reset operation, and release the "F" key to exit before a "-" appears; 5. After pressing "▲" and "▼" at the same time to enter the setting state, the "year" bit flashes first, which can be adjusted by up and down keys; adopt Short touch "F" to switch to "month", "day", "hour", "minute" and "second" in sequence. When the second adjustment is over, short touch "F" to display the address code of the counter. If adjustment is needed, press "▲" and "▼" to adjust, and the adjustment will take effect immediately; During the adjustment, if the operation stops at any position for more than 7S, the standby state will be restored automatically, and the previous adjustment is effective. 6. Relevant data can be managed by background software through 485 bus;
Scope of application: 3 ~ 35kV system discrete lightning arrester without (with Series) gap; 2. Power supply: AC / DC 110 ~ 220V, < 1.5W;3. Counting form: A, B and C phases are counted separately and displayed on centralized LCD; 4. Minimum capture discharge current: < 10A; 5. Minimum capture pulse width: < 1 μ s; 6. Leakage current monitoring range: 0 ~ 20mA; 7. Built in clock, power failure holding time: half a year; 8. Storage capacity: > 2000 pieces; 9. Communication interface: 485, class Modbus protocol; 10. Independent address code can be set
Data can be downloaded and analyzed with special software through mobile computer and 485-232 transfer interface. Overall dimension, installation method and wiring diagram Overall dimension
Method of use1. Connect the corresponding wiring according to the operation manual; 2. When powered on, the LCD is displayed in turn according to the sequence of phase a counting, phase B counting and phase C counting; 3. Short touch the "F" key to check phase a count, phase B count, phase C count, local address, current date and current address in turn Time, when the current time is displayed, if it is djs-ii type, press the "F" key three times to zero the leakage current value (please pull out the data cable during zero calibration).
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