• 耐电压至25KV
• 抗湿气以及水分渗透
• 可适用于不规则形状的表面
3M™ Scotch-Seal™ Mastic Tape and Pads 2229 are conformable, durable, tacky
mastic coated on an easy release liner. The product is designed for quick and easy
insulating, padding and sealing of objects that need to be protected from adverse
environmental conditions. It is well suited for corrosion protection applicants and is
resistant to U.V. radiation.
Data Sheet May 2013
Agency Approvals & Self Certifications
RoHS 2011/65/EU
"RoHS 2011/65/EU" means that the product or part does not contain any of the
substances in excess of the maximum concentration values (“MCVs”) in EU RoHS
Directive 2011/65/EU. The MCVs are by weight in homogeneous materials. This
information represents 3M's knowledge and belief, which may be based in whole or in
part on information provided by third party suppliers to 3M.
Product Features
Excellent adhesion and sealing characteristics to metals, rubbers, synthetic cable
insulations and jackets.
Stable over wide temperature range while maintaining its sealing properties.
Conformable and moldable for easy applications over irregular surfaces.
Does not crack when subjected to repeated flexing.
Fully compatible with most semi-con jacketing materials.
Material exhibits self-healing characteristics after being punctured or cut.
Chemical resistance.
Exhibits very low cold-flow.
Retains its flexibility at low temperatures resulting in ease of application and
continuous performance at reduced temperatures.
For sealing high-voltage cable splice and termination accessories for
90º C continuous operating temperature.
For insulating electrical connections rated up to 1000 volts if over
wrapped with vinyl or rubber electrical tape.
For padding irregular-shaped connections.
For providing corrosion protection to a wide variety of electrical
connections and applications.
For sealing ducts and cable end seals.
For sealing against dust, soil, water and other environmental conditions
Product Handling
The appropriate length of 3M™ Scotch-Seal™ Mastic Tape 2229 can easily be cut off the
roll by using a sharp knife or suitable protected razor blade. It can be applied in layers or
can easily be molded into the desired shape.
Shelf-Life This product has a 5-year shelf life from date of manufacture when stored in a humidity controlled storage (10°C / 50°F to 27°C / 80 °F and<75% relative humidity).
海郑实业成立于2009年,主要有三项业务强电电气产品、弱电机房施工、信息化建设项目,立足服务电力、通信系统安全,为行业发展做出贡献。 强电电气安装产品:与ABB、3M、施耐德品牌制造商合作,主要为“电气配电系统”方向,提供电缆附件、空气绝缘开关设备、气体绝缘开关设备、主开关元件、户外开关设备、继电保护装置和箱变等全系列产品提供服务和解决方案。与中电建集团合作,具有**公用工程、电力工程施工总承包壹级、通信工程施工总承包三级、输变电工程专业承包二级资质。“Seazheng”品牌委托研发生产的铁路、公路隧道照明接线盒、电缆穿刺分支线夹采用**的*阻燃型材料,通过了国家型式测试标准及铁道部质检中心测试,产品质量达到标准化水平。公司产品已获得CE、ROHS、IP68测试报告、阻燃测试报告、外型**、实用新型**等多种产品资质认证。 弱电机房施工:与施耐德合作主要为“电源+配电+工控”方向,提供机房供配电及电气工程系统方案。 信息化建设项目:无线杆体状态监测管理系统、人脸自动识别测温进出门禁系统等信息化项目。 盈利模式:产品品质高、质量优、价格好,赢得广大客户信赖。 商业模式:通过线上电商平台、线下开发客户结合方式,主要服务B端市场,服务电力、通信行业目标市场,充分将资源优势转换为产品优势。 主要客户分布于:电力、通信施工运营公司。 企业口号:电力安全,高效专业 企业理念:商都出品 沪上实业 企业愿景:致力于成为电力绝缘安全产品供应平台 企业**观:一群执着的人,一个专业的平台,一份专注的事业 品牌故事:商都出品,沪上实业 公司总经理张明鹤为上海市科技企业家创新**力培训学员,闵行区、莘庄镇两级党代表,上海市青年五四奖章获得者。 公司通过ISO9001(质量管理体系认证)、ISO14001(环境管理体系认证)、ISO45001(职业健康安全管理体系认证)三体系**标准认证。 公司是上海市电力行业协会、上海市电力工程行业协会、上海市信息服务业行业协会等社团组织的会员单位。 公司始终以“敢为人先,追求卓越”为经营理念,在业务上精益求精,在服务商精诚,以信誉为宗旨,以质量为保证,为用户排忧解难,提供一切方便的服务。