厂家制造各型号的双螺杆狗粮设备 小型 中型 大型可供选择。满足不同客户生产需求。一般小型的有时产100-150公斤 时产180-200公斤 时产250公斤的,投资10万-15万左右不等。 中型的和大型的相应价格高。适合扩展市场,扩大规模者
The manufacturer manufactures various types of twin-screw dog food equipment, small, medium and large can be selected. Meet the production needs of different customers. Generally, small-sized ones sometimes produce 100-150 kg, 180-200 kg and 250 kg, with an investment of about 100000-150000. The corresponding prices of medium and large are high. Suitable for expanding market and scale
湿法膨化法与干法膨化的区别则是在进入膨化之前预行原料的调制,通过蒸汽或者水份以提高温度,预先熟化。所谓的调质就是指通过蒸汽对宠物食品原料进行热湿作用,使原料中的淀粉预先糊化、蛋白质变性提高狗粮的膨化制粒效果和提高膨化质量。 多数应用于中、大型宠物食品加工厂家。
The difference between wet expansion and dry expansion is that the raw materials are prepared before expansion, and the temperature is increased by steam or water. The so-called conditioning refers to the heat and moisture effect of steam on pet food raw materials, so that the starch in the raw materials is pre gelatinized and the protein is denatured, so as to improve the expansion granulation effect and expansion quality of dog food. Most of them are used in medium and large pet food processing manufacturers.
There is a great difference between pet food and traditional feeding methods. This equipment takes corn, soybean (bean cake), mixture, etc. as raw materials and can be directly added into the machine to produce different pellets with novel shape, special taste, rich nutrition and delicate tissue. It is suitable for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, minks and other pet tastes. It is suitable for farmers, small and medium-sized feed factories and research institutions. Complete nutrients, sterilization, reduce fish disease, corn puffer
1、 原料配方营养成分比例;
2、 营养性原料的质量;
3、 调质蒸汽温度、水分、压力(适于湿法膨化工艺);
4、 喂料速度;
5、 主螺杆转速;
In the process of technical service, some enterprises often encounter unstable expanded particles in the production of dog food and cat food, sometimes too large, sometimes too small, or even not expanded, resulting in extremely unstable product quality. Why?
What are the factors affecting the bulk density of expansion?
1. Proportion of nutrients in raw material formula;
2. Quality of nutritional raw materials;
3. Temperature, moisture and pressure of quenched and tempered steam (suitable for wet expansion process);
4. Feeding speed;
5. Main screw speed;
The development and expansion of the pet market is an inevitable trend, and the resulting demand for pet food does not need to be said. However, what is the market prospect of pet food processing?
According to statistics, the annual sales of China's pet industry has exceeded 180 billion yuan. According to this trend, the annual sales this year can reach more than 200 billion yuan, becoming one of the important pillar industries of national economic development. It can be said that the overall development of China's pet industry is on the rise. At this time, borrowing for pet food processing will be promising.
Two processing technologies of dog food: 1. During the production and processing of dry expansion, water needs to be added to the raw materials. The raw materials do not undergo pre conditioning treatment before entering the expansion bin. All the heat generated in the expansion process is generated by the raw materials through the screw, shear plate and expansion chamber under the action of mechanical extrusion. It is generally applicable to medium and small pet food processing manufacturers.