东莞PIAB/派亚博 大流量多级真空发生泵 P6010.AI.01.LI.54 9900481 技术参数 Piab piCLASSIC系列真空泵都采用标准设计,包括小型芯片泵和大容量泵,且大 部分真空泵内置了COAX®真空发生管,能够提供高于传统真空泵三倍的真空流量, 帮助您在提高速生产速率和可靠性的同时,降低能耗。 产品特点 1、COAX® technology. 2、Available with a three-stage COAX® cartridge MIDI. Choose an Si cartridge for extra vacuum flow, a Pi cartridge for high performance at low feed pressure or an Xi cartridge when high flow and deep vacuum is needed. 3、Substantially lower air consumption as compared to conventional ejectors. 4、Modular design. 5、Available with multiple connection alternatives. 6、Low noise level. 7、Short evacuation time. 8、1-4 cartridges. 行业应用 1、箱子/纸箱成型,箱子/纸箱开闭 2、托盘定型,托盘装卸 3、真空包装