Allen-bradley Automation has the strength to bring together leading automation brands including Allen-Bradley, Ryan Electric, Dodge and Allen-Bradley Software. These brands offer customers a variety of solutions from control to the ultimate connection to load. Its automation solutions meet global quality standards, including ISO9000, European CE marking standards and China's CCIB standards.
Allen-bradley Automation offers customers a complete suite of components, products, control and information platforms and support services and manufacturing solutions, which we call total automation. Through full automation, Allen-Bradley is able to implement a comprehensive business strategy that meets today's industry requirements.
It advocates electronic manufacturing, which is a seamless and transparent connection from the factory floor to the enterprise business system, providing real-time data collection and decision-making, optimizing production scheduling, reducing waste, improving quality, and improving customer satisfaction. This requires a highly integrated architecture in addition to commercial technologies, which means using open networks and open software platforms.
Trusted T6300连续地、高速地进行上述操作,实现快速的闭环数据处理。如果Trusted系统中发生了一个内部故障,这个故障将通过表决器被限制。系统中广泛分布的表决芯片确保系统中的任何内部故障都不会传播到程序处理过程中去,并且能够准确地指示出系统内部故障的位置。每个寄存器和程序控制器都以同样的方式进行表决。所有的内部通讯都有接收电路进行通讯校验。
T8110B TMR处理器模块
ICS Triplex是ICS (Industrial Control Service Group) 跨国集团的下属公司,其安全控制系统是ICS集团支柱产品之一。ICS Triplex公司自1969年成立以来,一直致力于安全控制系统的设计、开发和应用。
ICS Triplex在世界各地均设有办事机构和下属公司,为用户提供良好的售后服务。迄今为止,全世界已经有超过3000套ICS Triplex的系统广泛应用于航空航天、石油和天然气加工、精细化工、海上石油开采、大型电站、大型锅炉管理和压缩机控制等领域。
ICS Triplex is a subsidiary company of ICS (Industrial Control Service Group). Its safety Control system is one of the three pillar products of ICS Group. Since its founding in 1969, ICS Triplex has been engaged in the design, development and application of safety control systems.
ICS Triplex has offices and subsidiaries all over the world to provide customers with good after-sales service. To date, more than 3,000 ICS Triplex systems have been used worldwide in aerospace, oil and gas processing, fine chemicals, offshore oil extraction, large power plants, large boiler management and compressor control.
The Trusted T6300 performs these operations continuously and at a high speed, enabling fast closed-loop data processing. If an internal failure occurs in a Trusted system, the failure is limited by a voter. The widely distributed voting chip in the system ensures that any internal faults in the system are not propagated to the program processing and can accurately indicate the location of internal faults in the system. Each register and program controller votes the same way. All internal communications are checked by receiving circuits.
T8110B TMR processor module
Trusted T6300是一个基于三重化处理器的系统,内部所有的重要电路均采用三重化容错的设计。Trusted T6300保证系统在内部出现故障的状态下,仍能正确地执行程序。系统所有的模块均能在线热更换。这种设计使得Trusted T6300系统几乎可以保持*在线。Trusted T6300被用来实时地处理各种复杂和危险的生产过程的控制,接受现场信号,执行逻辑运算、PID等各种控制程序,输出控制信号,驱动现场执行单元。Trusted的应用程序采用IEC 61131 TOOLSET软件编制。
ICS Triplex T8151B Trusted Communications Interface
ICS Triplex T8153 Trusted Communication Interface Adapter
ICS Triplex T8300 Trusted Expander Chassis
ICS Triplex T8310 Trusted Expander Processor
ICS Triplex T8311 Trusted Expander Interface
ICS Triplex T8312 Trusted Expander Interface Adaptor Unit
ICS Triplex T8270 24Vdc Fan Assembly, Rack Mounting
ICS Triplex T8830 Trusted 40 channel Analogue Input FTA
ICS Triplex T8800 Trusted 40 channel 24V dc Digital Input FTA
公司主营产品,充足库存: 各DCS、PLC、CPU备件 ABB:PM全系列DCS系统、IGCT高压变频器系列、工业机器人备件DSQC系列、INFI 90等。Bailey(贝利):BRC系列DCS系统等。5SHY4045L0004 5SH系列 / PPD113 / PM511V16 PM866 PM系列/ PP836 PP846 系列/ PFEA111-65 PFEA张力控制器系列 Triconex(英维思):冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的现代化的容错控制器。 3721 3625 4351B Bently(本特利):3500/3300系统 1900/6 3500/22M 3500/42M 3500系列 MOOG D136-001-007 D138-002-002 G122-829-001 EMERSON(艾默生):模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件。Westinghouse(西屋):1C31系列DCS系统、CPU、OVATION系统、WDPF系统、WEStation系统备件。 5X00170G01 5X系列,1C311系列 Schneider(施耐德电气)系列产品》施耐德Schneider处理器 控制卡 电源模块 Modicon():AS系列PLC系统备件 140CPU67260 140CPU65150 等140系列CPU General electric(通用电气)系列产品》GE(通用电气):IC698/IC697全系列PLC系统、模块、卡件、驱动器等各类备件 ,燃机卡机IS200,IS400全系列 PROSOFT MVI56-LTQ MVI56-MNET MVI56E-MNET MV156E-MCMR MVI56-PDPS MVI56-PDPMV1 Woodward(伍德沃德):SPC阀位控制器、PEAK150数字控制器 9907-167 9907-1