Advantages: Needless to replace the internals of the engine head,just handle the handle to operate it. Easy to operate.More time-saving and effortless.Drilling faster and more efficient. Have reached the Tip-top level of the same field now,and allow to be replaced with the same kind of the domestic products. Applications: Available for drilling,splitting breaking, ramming, shovelling. And widely used in mining,road-contruction, quarrying and national defense construction,etc. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.Weight of the main machine: 27kg 2.Overall dimension: 746×315× 229mm 3.Type of engine:single cylinder,air cooled two strokes 4.Cylinder Diameter×Stroke of piston:5 8 × 70mm 5. Rotating speed of engine: ≥2450r/min 6.Displacement of englne plston: 185cm 3 7.Type of carburetor: hand needle valve,no floating type 8.Ignition system: Controllable silicon contactless system 9. Drilling speed:(mean value of five holes) ≥ 250mm /min 10. Max. drilling depth: ≥ 6m 11.Fuel consumption: 0.122 /m 12.Tank capacity:≥ 1.14L 13. Mixing ratio of gasoline and lubrication oil (in volumes): 8:1 14. End of drill rod dimensions: hexagonal2 2 × 108mm 15. Rotating speed of drill rod:≥200r/min 16. Clearance of Spark plug : 1.5mm
济宁圣都风动工具(凿岩机)有限公司开发、制造和销售用于开采和施工作业的设备 - 设备应用范围包括建筑拆除作业、地质勘探钻孔和地基工程,以及水泥路面、柏油路面的各种劈裂、破碎、捣实、铲凿等功能,较适用于各种矿山的钻孔、劈裂、爆破开采,我们可以提供全套系列产品,所有产品都力求实现以较低的维护成本提供尽可能高的作业效率。- 作为专业的凿岩机的生产厂家 - 除了提供高品质的产品,我们的成功还在于对行业的热情投入、与客户建立有效的互动交流以及我们富有创造力的革新精神。 公司主营产品有内燃凿岩机系列:YN30A、YN30E、YN27、YN27C 、YN27T及铁路、公路、矿山、勘探、建筑施工用工具等。