滚筒筛Trommel Screen 产品简介 滚筒筛为各种各样的原料提供了一个简单,高效和经济的解决方案,也为后续的选矿工艺提供优化。这种方法有助于减少选矿工序和降低投资成本,同时允许快速和大批量的矿物加工。经过处理后的原料可以直接进入各种各样的选矿设备,如离心选矿机,螺旋溜槽,跳汰机等。 Brief Introduction The trommel screens provide a simple, efficient and economical solution to upgrade a wide rang of material and optimize the subsequent process steps of recovery. This method of screening helps to reduce mining operating and investment cost, while allowing rapid and large volume mineral processing. This material is then passed on to the downstream process equipment which can be in various forms such as centrifugal concentrator, spirals, jigs etc. 优势和特点 经济而又高效的筛分解决方案 重型滚筒筛圆筒**配有刮板,使物料较容易分散 不同网孔大小的筛网可供选择 多层筛网,更换筛网容易 处理效率高,处理能力大 *特的筛网设计使得筛网使用寿命较长而且不发生堵塞 配有重型给料仓 齿轮驱动装置 销售电话:119970917965 欢迎来电咨询!