Parameters of PPR tube
Decoration,PVC排水管加盟, often listen to workers say 4 in charge, 6 in charge, but do not know what it means? In fact, this refers to the outer diameter of the pipe. The outer diameter of 4 branch pipes is 20 mm, and that of 6 branch pipes is 25 mm. Which kind of pipe to choose depends on the outer diameter of the pipe. Only four branches can be used. The management is divided into 6 branches. It is OK to use 6 branches or 4 branches. In addition,PVC排水管生产, 20 * 2.8 and 25 * 4.2 will also be marked on the water pipe. The front 20 and 25 refer to the outer diameter of the pipe, while the back 2.8 and 4.2 refer to the wall thickness of the water pipe. Generally, the thicker the pipe wall is, the more durable the water pipe is.
The difference between PPR pipe and PVC pipe can be based on the thickness of pipe diameter, but the essentials of this identification must be experienced. First of all, we should be familiar with the environment of the pipe, and have less impression. In this way, after a long time, you can see the size of the pipe.
According to the corrosion resistance
Specifically,Corrosion resistance and anti scaling performance of PPR pipe are the basic requirements of building project pipeline. Excellent PPR pipe has better chemical corrosion resistance, which can resist the corrosion of chemical elements in water. At the same time, its surface can avoid the formation of scale, which can promote the transmission of water more clean and sanitary.
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