长欣ABB REF615原装控制系统备件 提供技术支持服务
ABB REF615 The MVME761 transition module provides industrystandard connector access to the IEEE 1284 parallel port, a 10BaseT or 100BaseT port via an RJ-45 connector, two DB-9 connectors providing access to the asynchronous serial ports configured as EIA-574 DTE and two HD-26 connectors providing access to the sync/async serial ports. These serial ports, labeled as Serial 3 and Serial 4 on the faceplate of the MVME761, are individually user-configurable as EIA-232, DCE or DTE via the installation of Emerson Serial Interface Modules (SIMs). A P2 adapter board provides interface **s to the MVME761 transition module. Two separate P2 adapter boards are available: one for 3-row backplanes and one for 5-row backplanes. The 3-row P2 adapter board provides connection for 8-bit SCSI. A 5-row P2 adapter board supports 16-bit SCSI and PMC I/O. The MVME712M transition module provides industry-standard connector access to the Centronics parallel port, a narrow SCSI port, and four DB-25 connectors providing access to the asynchronous/ synchronous serial ports jumper configurable as EIA-232 DCE or DTE. A P2 adapter board provides interface **s to the MVME712M transition module. The 3-row P2 adapter board also provides connection for 8-bit SCSI. To gain access to the additional user-definable I/O pins provided via the 5-row VME64 extension connector, a special P2 adapter board is available. This adapter panel replaces the traditional 3-row P2 adapter board and extends its capability by providing access to the PMC I/O pins. Software Support Firmware Monitor Firmware must fulfill the traditional functions of power-on self-test (POST), initialization, low-level setup and debug, and operating system booting. Emerson’s innovative firmware (known as MOTLoad) that is resident on the MVME5500 exceeds these requirements with expanded features such as interrupt driven I/O, more comprehensive power-up tests and extensive diagnostics with new scripting capability. And of course, MOTLoad provides a debugger interface similar to the time proven “bug” interface on previous VMEbus boards from Emerson. Operating Systems and Kernels WindRiver Systems VxWorks, TimeSys Linux, Green Hills Software INTEGRITY and LynuxWorks LynxOS are available for the MVME5500. Libraries VSI/Pro VSIPL libraries from MPI Software Technology are available on the MVME5500. BETA 4.0 NDDS from Real Time Innovations (RTI) running over GbE and Native VME are available on the MVME5500 through RTI. Specifications Processor Microprocessor: MPC7457 Clock Frequency: 1 GHz On-chip L1 Cache (I/D): 32KB/32KB On-chip L2 Cache (I/D): 512KB L3 Cache: 2MB System Controller Marvell GT-64260B Main Memory Type: PC133 ECC SDRAM Speed: 133 MHz Configurations: 512MB in two banks Capacity: 512MB on-board, expandable to 1GB with add-on memory mezzanine card. Note: If a PMC module is plugged into PMC slot 1, the memory mezzanine card cannot be used because the PMC module covers the memory mezzanine connector.
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