Acquire, analyze, and explore data and automate tests
The MATLAB® environment for analysis provides the tools you need to acquire data and automate tasks. Within MATLAB and Simulink® you can control and acquire data from plug-in data acquisition boards, test instruments, Web cameras and frame grabbers, as well as send and receive messages over CAN buses.
Once you acquire data, you can interactively explore it and perform live visualization and data analysis. You can then build test systems, verify designs and concepts, and automate repetitive tasks. You can also deploy test applications built in MATLAB onto other computers.
Stateflow 能够对控制系统中的调度逻辑进行建模、设计和模拟,以安排控制器的运转、控制系统的操作模式并执行故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)。
控制系统算法经过设计之后,便可以加以优化以便进行实施。您可以使用**算法设计的**数据类型属性,为实施做好准备。在闭环桌面仿真过程中验证控制算法之后,通过自动生成 C、结构化文本或 HDL 代码,将它们部署到生产微控制器、PLC 和 FPGA。
可以继续测试和验证控制系统。通过在嵌入式控制器上运行控制算法,以及在连接到控制器上的目标计算机上实时运行对象模型,来执行硬件在环 (HIL) 测试。可以使用形式化验证方法进一步验证和测试控制系统。
Efficient IC Verification
MATLAB and Simulink products enable collaboration and integration of analog and digital design and verification teams, enabling faster and higher-quality IC designs. Engineers can use a single design environment that combines control logic, state machines, and analog and digital components that are traditionally modeled at different levels of fidelity and in different design environments. MATLAB and Simulink allow the reuse of system-level models and test benches through HDL cosimulation, or as SystemVerilog DPI components that can be exported to an EDA verification environment such as Mentor Graphics ModelSim and Questa, Cadence Incisive, and Synopsys® VCS®.
Model-Based Design enables medical device engineers to introduce and integrate agile approaches into their existing software development workflows by cleanly separating the design phase from the implementation steps.
Using Model-Based Design, you can:
Model and simulate algorithms and entire systems before implementation
Verify and validate the designs thoroughly at a higher-level abstraction
Prototype design and create proofs-of-concept by automatically generating C or HDL code
Produce customizable reports that can be used as evidence of regulatory compliance
Prove your code is safe under all possible run-time conditions using static analysis
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