爱诺aero2气动执行器 1、indicator 指示器 position indicator with namur is convenient for mounting accessories such as limit switch box,positioner and so on namur 标准指示器便于安装位置开关、定位器等附件。 2、pinion 输出轴 the pinion is high-precision and integrative, made from nickelled-alloy steel, full conform to the lastest standards of iso5211, din3337, namur.the dimensions can be customized and the stainless steel is available. 镀镍合金钢、高精密一体式输出轴同时符合namur、iso5211、din3337标准。可根据客户要求定制尺寸和不锈钢材料。 3、actuator body 缸体 according to the different requirements, the extruded aluminum alloy astm6005 body can be treated with hard anodized, powder polyester painted (different colours is available such as blue, orange, yellow etc.), ptfe or nickel plated. astm6005压铸铝合金缸体可以采用硬质氧化、环氧树脂喷涂(根据要求喷涂兰色、橙色、黄色等)、ptfe涂层或镀镍满足不同要求。 4、end caps 端盖 die-casting aluminum powder polyester painted in different colours ,ptfe or nickel plated 爱诺 aero2 rt2700da气动执行器压铸铝合金表面金属粉末喷涂各种颜色、ptfe涂层或镀镍处理。 5、pistons 活塞 the twin rack pistons are made from die-casting aluminum treated with hard anodized or made from cast steel with galvanization. symmetric mounting position,long cycle life and fast operation, reversing rotation by simply inverting the pistons. 双活塞齿条、采用铸铝硬质氧化或者铸钢镀锌处理,安装位置对称、运作迅速、使用寿命长,简单的颠倒活塞可以改变旋转方向。 6、travel adjustment 行程调节 the two independent external travel stop adjustment bolts can adjust ±5°at both open and close directions easily and precisely. 两个独立的行程调节螺钉可以进行方便、精确±5°的调节 开、关位置。 7、high performance springs 高性能弹簧 preloaded coating springs are made from the high quality material for resistant to corrosion and longer service life, which can be demounted safely and conveniently to satisfy different requirements of torque by changing quantity of springs. 采用优质材料、涂层处理,预压装配。具有较强的抗腐蚀性和使用寿命。能够安全、简单的拆卸单作用执行器,通过改变弹簧数量满足不同的力矩输出范围。 8、bearings & guides 轴承、导板 made from low friction,long-life compound material,to avoid the direct contact between metals. the maintenance and replacement are easy and convenient. 采用低摩擦、**命复合材料,避免了金属与金属的直接接触,维修更换简单方便。 9、o-rings 密封 nbr rubber o-rings provide trouble-free operation at standard temperature ranges.for high and low temperature applications viton or silicone. 在常温工作条件下使用橡胶,在高温或低温时采用氟橡胶或硅橡胶。 air to port a forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from port b. air to port b forces the pistons inwards, causing the pinion to turn clockwise while the air is being exhausted from port a. a口进气,压缩空气推动活塞向外运动,使执行器输出轴逆时 针旋转(0o-90o),b口排气。 b口进气,压缩空气推动活塞向内运动,使执行器输出轴顺时 针旋转(90o-0o),a口排气。
上海凯祥阀门有限公司,是一家专业的消防器材生产厂家,经过二十几年发展与创新,不断挖掘技术人才,培养具有专业素质员工326人,拥有高、中级职称的技术人员28人,开发生产的公司生产的产品有各种型号的玻璃球喷头、湿式报警阀、压力开关、水流指示器、雨淋报警阀、预作用装置、水雾喷头、水幕喷头、信号蝶阀、闸阀等系列产品被评为国家新产品,多次荣获殊荣,在行业中具有一定影响力,先后多次引起省,市及国家**人的重视。产品被建设部列入推广应用品牌。 追赶自我展望未来,凯祥人不满足于昨日的辉煌,再创佳绩,全力提高产品档次与**接轨,吸引外资,引进德国阀门设计制造技术及管理技术.扩建新厂房12500平方米 ,科技办公大楼3600平方米。引进大、中、小形**设备182台套,紧凑形热锻压阀门生产线,对夹、单夹、法兰式、硬密封及软密封蝶阀生产线、球阀生产线各一条。金相分析、物理实验、超声波探测等,**检测设备,在这里频繁运转,为产品质量提供可信的科学依据,微机联网监控管理,全面通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证ISO14000环境管理体系、ISO18000职业健康安全卫生管理体系,金字塔式管理模式,向世人展示一座新世纪规范化的工业园区