PPR water supply pipe is a kind of water supply pipe made from PPR. PPR is a kind of environmental protection material with the characteristics of health, sanitation and environmental protection. With the development of society and people"s attention to environmental protection, PPR raw material has become a new product of UPVC water supply pipe,ppr管件热熔, aluminum plastic pipe, PE pipe, PEX pipe and pert pipe, and has become a new favorite of the contemporary home decoration building materials pipeline industry.
PPR pipe typeIn addition to brand differences, there are many types of PPR tubes under each brand, including ordinary PPR, nano PPR, double-layer PPR, single-layer PPR and so on. The more performance, the better quality, the more expensive the price. When we sign the contract with the decoration company, we must make clear the brand, model, specification and other information of PPR tube, and don"t be confused by the bright model room.
The phenomenon of heat expansion and cold contraction is inevitable in the use of pipe. The PPR pipe selected from water-resistant material has stronger rigidity, and it is not easy to sag during horizontal pipe laying,ppr热熔管件品牌, which increases the appearance of the pipeline, improves the bending resilience of the pipeline, and maintains the stability of the shape at high temperature.
UK GAFLOON PIPE GROUP LTD是一家英国专注家装给排水管道集团公司,是集各种新型塑料管道研发、生产、销售及服务于一体的现代化、高科技的综合性企业实体,产品覆盖欧美地区长达20多年,销售网络多达108个国家及地区,在家装水管市场多有褒誉。GAFLOON于2020年1月1日授权台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司全权运营GAFLOON卡弗龙品牌中国区市场,秉承集团工匠精神,把较好的产品服务于中国市场。GAFLOON卡弗龙管道,源自欧洲,追求品质生活。 诚招全国各区县市级品牌代理商 国内新上市,各方政策优惠,难得的机会,欢迎加入我们的团队,一起实现人生的职业及财富梦想!!!