创立于 1802 年的美国的一家公司是一家科学研究公司,凭着自主创新的商品、原材料和服务项目,为全世界销售市场出示**级的科学研究和工程项目工作能力,帮助解决各种各样**性挑战,包含为全世界全国各地的大家出示充裕健康的食物、降低对**资源的依靠,及其维护性命与自然环境,让全世界全国各地的大家日常生活得较幸福、较安全性和较健康。杜邦公司的业务流程遍布全世界90好几个国家和地区,以普遍的产品创新和服务项目涉及到农牧业与食品类、房屋与工程建筑、通信和交通出行、电力能源与微生物运用高新科技等诸多行业
PA66工艺:干燥处理:如果加工前材料是密封的,那么就没有必要干燥。然而,如果储存容器被打开,那么建议在 85℃ 的 热空气中干燥处理。如果湿度大于 0.2%,还需要进行105℃,12 小时的真空干燥。 熔化温度:260~290℃。对玻璃添加剂的产品为275~280℃。熔化温度应避免** 300℃。
PA66 对许多溶剂具有抗溶,但对酸和其它一些氯化剂的抵抗力较弱。
PA66 is resistant to many soents, but weak to acids and other Chlorinators.
PA66 processing mold temperature: recoended 80 ℃. Mold temperature will aff the crystallinity, which will aff the physical properties of the product. For thin-walled pstic parts, if the mold temperature is lower than 40 ℃, the crystallinity of the pstic parts will change with time. In order to maintain the geometric stability of the pstic parts, annealing treatment is needed.
Basic physical properties of PA66: PA66 is still the most important variety. The melting point, tensile strength, bending strength and hardness of PA66 are the highest in the nylon fily, so it is widely used in various fields. It can also maintain strong strength and stiffness at higher temperature. The melting point of PA66 is 260 ℃; it is a semi crystalline crystalline material. PA66 is resistant to many soents, but weak to acids and other Chlorinators. The shrinkage of PA66 is between 1% and 2%, which can be reduced to 0.2% - 1% by adding gss fiber additive. PA66 has low viscosity, so it has good fluidity. This property can be used to process very thin components. Its viscosity is sensitive to temperature changes. It still has hygroscopicity after molding, and its degree mainly depends on the comition of the material, wall thickness and environmental conditions. The influence of Hygroscopicity on geometric stability must be considered in product design.
我们不生产原料,只做的供应商。公司自成立以来,积极倡导“诚信如同生命,口碑重于泰山”的经营理念,竭诚为广大新老客户提供质的服务。以良心做买卖,坚决杜绝做损害客户利益的经营行为,一直本着“您的满意是我的求”的发展原则,在**和客户中树立了良好的口碑.经珠三角地区为基准,积极开拓市场,业务辐射全国,并与国内外大型塑料生产商建立了长期友好的合作关系。 我们遵循“以人为本,创造;诚信务实,改善创新”为企业之魂,为客户提供品质优良、价格合理的塑料原料。本公司将继续以良好的信誉,充足的货源去求得较大发展,共创双赢局面。