Lotte Group is one of the five largest groups in South Korea and one of the world's top 500 multinational enterprises. At present, with the strategy of globalization, businesses in retail, food, tourism, petrochemical real estate and finance are booming in nearly 20 countries around the world. Since entering the Chinese market in 1994, Lotte has been involved in many fields such as food, retail, tourism, petrochemical, construction, manufacturing, finance, service, film and television.
乐天PP J-595K产品简介:FDA 认证书 高透明无规聚, 高光泽, 超高流动性, 食品容器, 家用电器, TWIM parts
FDA certification, high transparency, random polypropylene, high gloss, ultra-high fluidity, food containers, household appliances, twim parts
乐天PP J-370A产品简介:RoHS 认证书 FDA 认证书 高流动性,低白化性,冲击强度/刚度, 家电(洗衣机内装品,冰箱零件)
ROHS certification, FDA certification, high fluidity, low whiteness, excellent impact strength / stiffness, household appliances (washing machine internals, refrigerator parts)
乐天PP J-380A产品简介:RoHS 认证书 高流动性,高刚性,冲击性良好,抗静电性, 家电,工业用零件
RoHS certificate high mobility, high rigidity, good impact, excellent antistatic, household appliances, industrial parts
乐天PP J-580S产品简介:RoHS 认证书 FDA 认证书,高流动性,高透明无规聚, 一食品容器,家庭杂货,VIDEO/CD/DVD Case
ROHS certification, FDA certification, high fluidity, high transparency, random polypropylene, a food container, high grade household groceries, video / CD / DVD case
我们不生产原料,只做的供应商。公司自成立以来,积极倡导“诚信如同生命,口碑重于泰山”的经营理念,竭诚为广大新老客户提供质的服务。以良心做买卖,坚决杜绝做损害客户利益的经营行为,一直本着“您的满意是我的求”的发展原则,在同行和客户中树立了良好的口碑.经珠三角地区为基准,积极开拓市场,业务辐射全国,并与国内外大型塑料生产商建立了长期友好的合作关系。 我们遵循“以人为本,创造;诚信务实,改善创新”为企业之魂,为客户提供品质优良、价格合理的塑料原料。本公司将继续以良好的信誉,充足的货源去求得更大发展,共创双赢局面。