东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司销售纯树脂耐高温PA6,加纤耐高温PA6,阻燃耐高温PA6,无卤阻燃耐高温PA6,抗紫外线PA6,加纤抗紫外线PA6,自熄阻燃耐高温PA6,食品级PA6,质料级PA6;供应:基础创新塑料/PA6、美国杜邦/PA6、日本三菱工程/PA6、法国罗地亚/PA6、日本东丽/PA6、日本东洋纺织/PA6、日本宇部/PA6、 德国DOMO/ PA6、德国朗盛/PA6、德国巴斯夫/PA6、荷兰/ PA6等、品种齐全,原厂原包,量大从优!
PA6 was first developed by BASF joint venture in Germany in the te 1930s and formally industrialized in the early 1940s. Polyamide macromolecur structure contains a rge number of amide groups, and the end of the macromolecule is amino or carboxyl. It is a kind of semi crystalline polymer with strong pority, hydrogen bond formation and certain reactivity.
The chemical and physical properties of PA6 are simir to that of PA66. However, its melting point is low and the process temperature range is wide. Its impact resistance and solubility are better than PA66, but its hygroscopicity is also stronger. Because many quality characteristics of pstic parts are affed by hygroscopicity, it should be fully considered when using PA6 to design products. In order to improve the mechanical properties of PA6, various modifiers are often added. Gss fiber is the most coon additive, sometimes in order to improve the impact resistance of synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR. For products without additives, the shrinkage of PA6 is between 1% and 1.5%. The addition of gss fiber additive can reduce the shrinkage to 0.3% (but it is slightly higher in the dirion perpendicur to the process).
Industrial application: polyamide gss fiber reinforced material can be added in the range of 5-60% aording to the product characteristics. This kind of material has good strength, heat resistance, excellent impact resistance, good dimensional stability and low warpage. It is widely used in manucturing bearings, round gears, cams, bevel gears, various rollers, pulleys, pump impellers, n bdes, worm gears, propellers, screws, nuts, gaskets, high-pressure sealing rings, oil resistant sealing gaskets, oil resistant containers, s, hoses, cable sheaths, shearer pulley sleeves, shaper slides, elromagnetic distribution vae seats, cooling equipment, gaskets, shafts It covers all kinds of oil pipes, pistons, ropes and transmission belts on carriers, automobiles and tractors.
PA processing due to iature technology can reduce the product, or can not meet the product requirements after molding, so some technical personnel of our company soe the processing technical problems for customers, because of the different model performance of PA6, the price will be different, so the online price is only reference price, the actual price please consult online or call to negotiate! Jinghong pstic will serve you wholeheartedly!
我们不生产原料,只做的供应商。公司自成立以来,积极倡导“诚信如同生命,口碑重于泰山”的经营理念,竭诚为广大新老客户提供质的服务。以良心做买卖,坚决杜绝做损害客户利益的经营行为,一直本着“您的满意是我的求”的发展原则,在**和客户中树立了良好的口碑.经珠三角地区为基准,积极开拓市场,业务辐射全国,并与国内外大型塑料生产商建立了长期友好的合作关系。 我们遵循“以人为本,创造;诚信务实,改善创新”为企业之魂,为客户提供品质优良、价格合理的塑料原料。本公司将继续以良好的信誉,充足的货源去求得较大发展,共创双赢局面。