PC is a kind of polymer with carbonate group in the main chain, which is called polycarbonate. According to the structure of acetic acid group, PC can be divided into aliphatic, aromatic, aliphatic aromatic and so on. At present, the basic structure of commercial polycarbonate vinegar is aromatic. As a kind of amorphous thermoplastic resin with excellent comprehensive properties, it has excellent electrical insulation, extensibility, dimensional stability and chemical corrosion resistance, Polycarbonate vinegar is a kind of general engineering plastics with fast growth rate. At present, the industrial plant of polycarbonate vinegar basically adopts the process of interfacial polycondensation. The main process is to prepare bisphenol sodium salt from bisphenol and caustic soda solution, add human , and then send it into the reactor, After the reaction, the reaction liquid is sent to the polycondensation reactor, and the solution of caustic soda is added to carry out polycondensation reaction
PC与1953年由德国拜耳公司首先研究成功,并于1958年由拜耳公司首先实现了工业化生产, 至今已有四十多年历史。其制造工艺方法有溶液法、醋交换法、界面缩聚法和非法。PC,是一种无定型、无臭、无毒、高度透明的无色或微热塑性工程塑料,具有优良的物理机械性能,尤其是耐冲击性优异,拉伸强度、弯曲强度、压缩强度高; 蠕变性小,尺寸稳定; 具有良好的耐热性和耐低温性,在较宽的温度范围内具有稳定的力学性能,尺寸稳定性,电性能和阻燃性,可在- 60 ~ 120 ℃下长期使用; 无明显熔点,在220 ~ 230 ℃呈熔融状态,由于分子链刚性大,树脂熔体黏度大; 吸水率小,收缩率小,尺寸精度高,尺寸稳定性好.
Japan Mitsubishi PC model and grade introduction:
PC general pure PC: h-4000 H-3000 H-2000 s-3000 S-2000 S-1000 E-2000
PC flame retardant grade V-1: N-9
PC flame retardant grade V-2: fpr3000 fpr3500 fpr4500 ef50 ef51h efr3000 3200 3200h 2200
PC SAE fit grade PC: ml-200 ml-300 ml-400
PC lens grade: clv1000 cls1000 cls400 cls3400
PC gamma ray resistance: rs-3001r rs-1001r eb-3001r
PC optical diffusion level: ds-3002r 7011a ds-3002r 7031a ds-3002r 7051a dh-3002r efd2110u efd2230u
PC light reflection level: ehr3100 ehr3150 ehr3400 eh00 ehg2010r
PC light guide plate grade: hl-3000 hl-4000 hl-7001 hl-8000
Light guide grade for PC automobile: hl-3003 hl-3503
Our strengths:
Our products can provide customers with *** report, UL, physical property table, MSDS and COA report
■ our market information is first-class and accurate
We provide professional technical support and after-sales service
■ our supply is sufficient and stable
我们不生产原料,只做的供应商。公司自成立以来,积极倡导“诚信如同生命,口碑重于泰山”的经营理念,竭诚为广大新老客户提供质的服务。以良心做买卖,坚决杜绝做损害客户利益的经营行为,一直本着“您的满意是我的求”的发展原则,在**和客户中树立了良好的口碑.经珠三角地区为基准,积极开拓市场,业务辐射全国,并与国内外大型塑料生产商建立了长期友好的合作关系。 我们遵循“以人为本,创造;诚信务实,改善创新”为企业之魂,为客户提供品质优良、价格合理的塑料原料。本公司将继续以良好的信誉,充足的货源去求得较大发展,共创双赢局面。