eam Work
ATLAS.ti supports collaborative work in several highly effective ways. Dedicated tools as well as some general principles of the software make collaborations a breeze.
Great User Support
ATLAS.ti comes with unsurpassed service and multiple sources of support. Get a first overview of the software during one of our free webinar hold in different languages.
While adhering to the philosophy and guiding principles of all the ATLAS.ti editions that have come before it and which have characterized the application since its inception some thirty years ago, ATLAS.ti 9 nonetheless represents a huge step toward the future. Implementation of new technologies (e.g. machine learning), a sleek and unified design between platforms, and laser-focused concentration on user experience and usability sets new standards.
Learn about your user account, how to transfer your existing projects (spoiler alert: it’s largely automatic!), and get an introduction to the central features and innovations of ATLAS.ti 9–this document is for YOU!
ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio and video data.
Sophisticated tools help you to arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative, yet systematic ways. ATLAS.ti keeps you focused on the material itself. Whether your field is anthropology, economics, criminology, or medicine: ATLAS.ti will meet your qualitative analysis needs!
不管您是需要购买单款软件,还是制定整个实验室的购买方案,都可以提供。重点软件有:SPSS, Stata, Minitab, Matlab, GAMS, Mathematica, Tableau, SAS, LinGo, Mplus, @risk, Risk Simulator, EViews,NVivo/Atlas.ti/MaxQDA, 动态均衡模型,静态均衡模型,OxMetrics,Vensim/Ithink/Stella,Crystal Ball ,Alogit,GAUSS,GTAP,GEMPACK,HLM,Lisrel,NCSS,Netminer,Nlogit ,Stat/Transfer,SUDAAN,SYSTAT,TreeAge,PASS,nQuery,UCINET,RATS/CATS,Latent GOLD,Kwalitan,NeuroSolutions,TableCurvePSCAD,Enerplot,FACE,E-Tran,SIDRA TRIP,SIDRA INTERSECTION,Remo 3D,HOMER,Surfer,Grapher,Sigmaplot,GraphPad Prism,KaleidaGraph,Mapviewer ,Voxler ,Strater,Didger,RFFlowHydrus,GMS/SMS/WMS ,Visual Modflow,Flo-2d,Earth Volumetric Studio(EVS)Geostudio,RockWorks,PetraSim,AquaChem,AquiferTest,Hydro GeoAnalyst,Groundwater Vistas,TerrSetSequencher,SIMCA ,Wien2k,Q-chem,Chembiooffice ,Chembiodraw ,The Unscrambler ,Spartan,Array Designer ,Beacon Designer ,AlleleID ,Beacon Designer,Chemcraft,ChromasPro,CLIMEX DYMEX,Geneious,PC-ORD,Primer Premier,PrimerPlex ,RBCA Tool Kit for Chemical
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