The Telephone Line Emulator (TLE) employs a cost-effective design, that is less than half the price of comparable test equipment. Features: Two simultaneous independent calls Fully balanced battery feed Sinusoidal ring generation Audio line monitoring Calling party control Flash hook recognition Precise call progress tones (dial tone, busy, reorder, ringback) Audio messaging Phone Lines The TLE offers 4 loop start lines with up to 3 programmable phone numbers. Each line is independently programmable for: 4-port or twin 2-port modes Attenuation Call progress tones frequency, cadence, and ** level Call timings DC **ing Dial tone & stutter dial tone Dial up test tones Forced disconnect Line impedance Line reversal Loop current Network delay On/Off/Flash hook timing Ring frequency and cadence Ringing voltage Test tone frequencies and amplitudes Caller ID The TLE includes caller ID for identification of calling party''s phone number with spontaneous call waiting ID (SCWID) and disposition. Programmable names (CID) Type I (SDMF/MDMF) Type II (SCWID/CIDCW) Visual message waiting CLASS Call waiting tone & operation Distinctive call waiting Speed dialing Three-way calling PBX Features The TLE emulates basic PBX functions including: Call transfer Call hold Conference calling Hunt group operation "9" access to outside line Package Contents: TLE-A-01 Power Cord
☆泰利信在线测试仪ICT-340系列。 ☆美国IDI高频探针100445,100526,100999等。 ☆闽台泰仕(TES)/群特及日本三和仪表全系列。 温度计,照度计,转速计,噪音计,数字式LCR表,钳表, 三相电力 表,风速计,网路测试仪,温湿度计,绝缘表,热电偶,红外温度计等。 ☆电话线路模拟器(Telephone Line Simulator) TLS-5C/D(TELTONE) ☆阳光/系统/精汇/美德:电话分析仪,电声传输测试仪,来电显示测试仪, 抗雷击测试仪,MODEM测试系统等。 ☆电话分析仪/MODEM测试仪系列: 1088A(具备电话分析仪1076A所有功能及优点,较增加了拔失 真, 及脉冲断开电阻等功能,并带RS232接口). ☆南韩精进/精讯:电话分析仪,信号发生器,调制分析仪,信纳表,频率 计,万用表电源等。 ☆二手仪器:频谱分析仪,NI/HP-GPIB卡/线,信号发生器,网络分析仪,示波器,电源,LCR 数字电桥等维修/销售与回收。