The TLS-3 is a compact, portable central office or PBX simulator. Packed with standard features at an affordable price, the TLS-3B offers two loop start lines and a single talk path. Other basic features include: Calling party control Tone and rotary (pulse) dialing capabilities Secondary dial tone Hot line ringdown - Automatically rings another station(s) when the handset is lifted. Audio port - Standard 5-pin DIN jack for recording or playing voice or tones. Programmable Parameters Primary/secondary telephone numbers up to 16 digits Off-hook modes Network response time delays Test tone frequency and cadence Line attenuation Dial Up Test Tones Dial tone Busy ** Reorder tone Ringback Silence Precise Call Progress Tones Dial tone Busy ** Reorder tone Ringback Caller ID Type I (SDMF/MDMF) Visual message waiting indication Privacy blockage Out-of-area calls Transmission errors Teltone Corp. TLS-3B-01 TLS-3B - Telephone Line Simulator CE Compliance Option Available Maximum Ring Voltage:>50 VAC RMS Minimum Ring Voltage:50 VAC RMS Dial Tone Standard:350+440Hz
☆泰利信在线测试仪ICT-340系列。 ☆美国IDI高频探针100445,100526,100999等。 ☆闽台泰仕(TES)/群特及日本三和仪表全系列。 温度计,照度计,转速计,噪音计,数字式LCR表,钳表, 三相电力 表,风速计,网路测试仪,温湿度计,绝缘表,热电偶,红外温度计等。 ☆电话线路模拟器(Telephone Line Simulator) TLS-5C/D(TELTONE) ☆阳光/系统/精汇/美德:电话分析仪,电声传输测试仪,来电显示测试仪, 抗雷击测试仪,MODEM测试系统等。 ☆电话分析仪/MODEM测试仪系列: 1088A(具备电话分析仪1076A所有功能及优点,较增加了拔失 真, 及脉冲断开电阻等功能,并带RS232接口). ☆南韩精进/精讯:电话分析仪,信号发生器,调制分析仪,信纳表,频率 计,万用表电源等。 ☆二手仪器:频谱分析仪,NI/HP-GPIB卡/线,信号发生器,网络分析仪,示波器,电源,LCR 数字电桥等维修/销售与回收。