家庭用:sunglasses and gardening gloves 太阳镜,园艺用手套
(1) 焊接和面罩。预防非电离辐射、金属火花和烟尘等的危害。焊接分普通眼镜、前挂镜、防侧光镜3种;焊接面罩分手持面罩、头带式面罩、安全帽面罩、安全帽前挂眼镜面罩等种类。
(2) 炉窑和面罩。预防炉、窑口辐射出的红外线和少量可见光、紫外线对人眼的危害。炉窑和面罩分为、眼罩和防护面罩3种。
(3) 防冲击眼护具。预防铁屑、灰砂、碎石等外来物对眼睛的冲击伤害。防冲击眼护具分为防护眼镜、眼罩和面罩三种。防护眼镜又分为普通眼镜和带侧面护罩的眼镜。眼罩和面罩又分敞开式和密闭式两种。
Jiangsu Zhongzheng Testing Co., Ltd. is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global committed supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industries. We strategically cooperate with many global associations, and participation in formulating relevant standard.
江苏中正检测股份有限公司(简称OTC),是合法从事检验、鉴定、测试、验货和认证的第三方服务机构,致力于商品供应链的质量鉴定和审核业务,专注于提供各个行业的质量解决方案。 Zhongzheng Group (OTC CHINA CERTIFICATE AND TESTING CENTER) is the lawful exercise of inspection, identification, testing, products inspection and certification third-party service agency. We are committed to quality appraisal, examination and verification business of the global commodity supply chain, and concentrate on providing quality solutions in a wide range of industrires. 、健康、安全、环保、社会责任是我们每个员工的信念。 Fairness, health, safeness, environment protection and social responsibility are we each employee's beliefs. 江苏中正检测股份有限公司作为**贸易链的质量监督环节,战略合作于多个行业协会与认证机构,中正将为您提供公平,,公开的第三方检测与认证服务及优秀的质量管控方案。 Zhongzheng Group as the quality supervision chain of global international trade links, strategically cooperate in many global associations and local laboratories, Zhongzheng provides for you with fair, and open third-party testing services and the most excellent quality control program. 我们的服务: OUR SERVICE 测试:按照各国质量条款提供符合各个区域质量法规的测试服务;以保证产品质量; Testing: according to different countries’quality items, provides for testing services that conform to different regions’ quality