狗粮进口报关如何操作?流程是怎样的?如果您还不知道,那么可以看下这篇文章。小编根据多年代理经验整理了相关内容。可帮您解决这个问题。狗粮清关找进贸通,专业高效省心更畅通。 进口资料及流程 1、生产商在华注册 2、进口饲料经营企业备案(除了罐头类食物,其他宠物食品需要到农业部协:理《饲料进口登记证》 3、进口动植物检验检疫许可证〈我司代理办·理时间一个月,北京出证) 4、猫罐头、狗罐头包装中文标签翻译件 5、收发货人备案(我司代办> 6、标签预审通过后,可以根据新标签印制部分包装罐备货,发货 7、货到港后,换单 8、样品成分检测合格后,正式报检,报关,缴税 9、中文标签备案 10、出具卫生放行 11、送货 散货:货物到港,有舱单理货信息,进行打单(船公司换单),申报,交税,海关放行(查验),海关监管仓提货,配送 整柜:货物到港前,有船舱单信息,进行打单(船公司换单),申报,交税,海关放行(查验),船到港,提货,配送 Import declaration process: Bulk cargo: when the goods arrive at the port, there are manifest tally information, print the bill (shipping company change the bill), declare, pay tax, customs release (inspection), customs supervision, warehouse pick-up and distribution Full container: before the cargo arrives at the port, there is the information of the ship's hold list, which can be printed (changed by the shipping company), declared, paid taxes, released by the Customs (inspection), arrived, picked up and distributed