蒸煮机由夹套筒体、带螺旋夹套叶片的主轴、动力驱动、蒸汽加热装置组成。夹套筒体通入蒸汽。旋转接头安装在带夹套螺旋叶片主轴的两端,一端接入0.6-0.7mpa的蒸汽,经设在主轴内的二条蒸汽管均匀地通入所有夹套螺旋叶片内腔,鱼料在筒体及螺旋叶片的加热下煮熟,使鱼料的肉、油脂、水份分离。蒸汽在夹套螺旋叶片内腔冷凝成水,排入主轴腔体,从主轴的另一端经旋转接头通过疏水阀排出。动力驱动由一台变频调速减速机和传动链轮组成,调节蒸煮机主轴转动的速度,控制鱼料蒸煮过程,用以适应各种原料鱼的要求。蒸汽装置是蒸煮的主要热源,对鱼料的加热起到主要作用,因此设有蒸汽管路的控制系统,保证加热温度稳定,连续的工艺要求,本蒸煮机是目前较理想的鱼料加工的优选设备。为了更高效率地利用热源,节约蒸汽用量,降低车间工作环境温度,要对蒸煮机的体壳表面加盖保温层。可用岩棉或发泡泡沫等保温材料,完成后再用薄铝板或304薄板包裹,用螺钉或铆钉固定。3、In order to more efficient use of heat source, saving steam dosage, reduce the workshop working environment temperature. The cooker body shell surface equipped with insulation layer. Rock wool or foaming foam insulation materials is available. With a thin aluminum plate or sheet 304 after the completion of the parcel. Fixed with bolts or rivets.五、维护与检修5、Maintenance1、蒸煮机有五个润滑点,即两端的滚子轴承、链条、减速机及电动机的润滑点。滚子轴承润滑采用高温润滑脂(钠基润滑脂GB492-65)(见表II)1、Cooker has five lubrication points, that is, on both ends of the roller bearings, chain, reducer and motor lubrication points. Roller bearing lubrication using high temperature lubricating grease.(Sodium base lubricating grease GB492-65).2、技术检查在每次停机后或运行中均可进行。检查内容包括:各密封装置有无冒气漏水现象;各种控制用压力表温度表有无损坏失效;各紧固件有无松动脱落;检查蒸汽的阀门、旋转接头、软管有无漏气、漏水现象。2、Technical inspection after each downtime or are in the operation. Check content includes: the sealing device for gas leakage phenomenon. Various control with pressure gauge thermometer is damaged or not. Fasteners loose or tight. Check the steam valve, rotary joints, the hose without leakage, leakage phenomenon.3、设备运行一年后须进行中修,它的内容包括:清洗滚子轴承并用新润滑油填充,更换破损的密封件,更换损坏的零部件,外购件按原件规格型号购进。3、The machine must be repaired after one year. Including its basic content: Cleaning roller bearing and fill with new lubricating oil. Replace the damaged seal, replace the damaged parts. Purchased components purchased according to the original specifications.4、设备每运行三年后进行综合大修,大修基本内容包括:全部拆卸蒸煮机的零部件,清洗旧的安装部件,除锈,涂防锈漆。检查容易磨损部件的尺寸,例如:螺旋叶片的厚度,组件间的尺寸,蒸汽管壁的厚度。对所有的零部件及整机进行大修后,蒸汽夹套要进行水压试验,试验压力应等于工作压力的1.25倍。4、The machine must be comprehensive overhaul after three year. Including its basic content: Remove all cooker machine parts, clean the old installation components, derusting, besmear antirust paint. Check the dimensions of the easily worn parts, such as the thickness of the screw blade, the dimensions of the components, the steam pipe wall thickness. After overhaul on all the parts and the whole machine, steam jacket for hydrostatic test, the test pressure shall be equal to the work pressure of 1.25 times.1、在已建成的基础上用预埋螺栓将机体固定,在安装时沿螺旋轴线向冷凝水流出方向倾斜1~3°,进汽端高,出水端低。并且落在基础上的三个机脚座都必须在同一平面上,以保证蒸煮机筒体的主轴的同轴度,在非驱动端的底座固定螺栓与底座要有8㎜的螺栓长孔槽,可以让筒体在加热时有轴向的自由度,蒸煮机准确就位固定后,安装蒸汽,电器部分,要求安全方便操作。1、Fixed the machine on the basis of the embedded bolt. When installed along the screw axis tilted 1 ~ 3 degree in the direction of condensed water outflow. High end steam in, low end water out. And fell on the basis of three machine feet must be on the same plane, to ensure that the cooking machine cylinder shaft alignment. There must be an 8mm long bolt hole groove between base and the leg in the end without motor. So the cylinder in heating axial of the degrees of freedom. After accurately fixed Cooker, installation steam, electric parts, for safe and convenient operation.2、调试时要进行点动开机,将蒸煮机主轴转动几转,确认无异常后,启动电机,由慢到快调节电机至所需转速,蒸煮机内通入蒸汽后,预热一段时间,蒸汽的通入也要由低到高渐渐加入,注意观察各腔的蒸汽压力和温度情况是否一致,筒体内有无异响。运行1小时后一切正常调试结束。2、When debugging need inching switch on. The cooker spindle rotation a few turns, without exception confirmed, then start the motor. From slow to fast to adjust to the desired motor speed. After cooker into steam, preheat a period of time, the flux of steam into the will gradually from low to high. Observe the cavity of the steam pressure and temperature conditions are consistent or not, cylinder body with or without abnormal phenomenon. After one hour normal running, debugging ended.