• 套袋热收缩机视频 热缩补口套

    套袋热收缩机视频 热缩补口套

  • 2020-05-27 06:45 146
  • 产品价格:25.00
  • 发货地址:河北省廊坊安次区包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:52154314公司编号:4231925
  • 方志国 经理
    15933647519 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询
  • 信息举报
    6 热熔胶厚度 mm 1.42~1.48 ≥1.4 GB/T 6627-2001
    7 热熔胶剥离强度 带(套)/聚 N/cm 95.0~140.0 23±2℃ 70 GB/T 23257
    17.0~20.0 50±2℃ 10
    带(套)/钢 95.0~135.0 23±2℃ 70
    16.5~210.0 50±2℃ 10
    带(套)/底漆钢 97.0~135.0 23±2℃ 70
    17.0~20.0 50±2℃ 10
    8 软化点(环球法) ℃ 95 ≥90 GB/T 2792
    序号 检测项目 单位 检测结果 技术指标 检测方法
    1 外观 --- 基材边缘平直,表面平整、清洁、无气泡、疵点、裂口及分解变色;胶层厚度均匀。 基材边缘平直,表面平整、清洁、无气泡、疵点、裂口及分解变色;胶层厚度均匀。 目测
    2 基材厚度 mm 1.52~1.58 ≥1.5 GB/T 6627-2001
    3 热收缩率 % 55 ≥50 SY/T4054-2003附录A
    4 拉伸强度 MPa 25 ≥20 GB/T 1040-2006
    5 断裂伸长率 % 20.40 ≥18 GB/T 1040-2006
    Product range: Polyethylene anticorrosive adhesive tape, polypropylene fiber anticorrosive adhesive tape, polyethylene type 660 integrated anticorrosive adhesive tape, radiant cross-linked polyethylene heat-shrinkable sleeve, heat-shrinkable strip, water-proof cap, mending plate, polyethylene double-sided anticorrosive adhesive tape, solvent-less anticorrosive coatings, nanometer ceramic anticorrosive materials, coal-tar epoxy paint, heat-shrinkable tube, heat shrinkable tube with adhesive tape and anticorrosive products for heat-shrinkable power cable accessories.
    Since its establishment, the company has all the time upheld the concept of "striving constantly for perfection and adhering to honesty and trustworthiness" and worked unremittingly based on the thought of "Integrating with channel resources and promoting the development of the industry". Our tenet is "Developing and enterprising, oriented to integrity and focusing upon the demand of customer."
    We have won the faith and support of our customers with excellent professional ethics, first-class commercial reputation, high quality products and perfect after-sales services in the course of operation. The company has had extensive channels, substantial strength, consummate technology and specialized support.
    The products operated and sold by us have been tested by the Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Anticorrosive Thermal-Insulting Products of China National Petroleum Corporation and the Comprehensive Laboratory of the Pipeline Technology Research Center of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation. The whole indexes have reached or exceeded relevant standards and requirements.
    Looking forward to the future: a high mountain makes us realize that the road is far; only rapid-flowing water can we realized that it has a deep source. On the road of increasing development and the times at which the current electronic commerce network information is increasingly popular, we will supply the customers with perfect after-sales service, try to supply immediate services on demand, give specialized services whole-heartedly, make great efforts to support more perfect after-sale services and first-rate technical support, repay the society and the customers. Go forward hand in hand with the customers and the industry colleagues and share with success.
    Welcome new and old customers to visit us, and we will serve you with utmost sincerity.
    现场补口用热收缩套,其内层为涂敷在钢管表面的双组份无溶剂环氧底漆,中间层为热熔胶,外层(基材)由特殊改性的幅射交联聚组合而成。当使用两层结构热收缩套时,则不用底漆。 热收缩套收缩率≥50%。


    欢迎来到廊坊市讯达防腐热缩技术有限公司网站,我公司位于地处北京、天津两大直辖市之间,被誉为“京津走廊上的明珠”的廊坊市。 具体地址是河北廊坊安次区公司街道地址,负责人是方志国。
    公司供应橡胶 合成橡胶 丁基橡胶 等产品,始终坚持“用户至上、质量第一”的原则,愿以同类产品中更优惠的价格、更上乘的质量、更快捷的方式,为广大用户提供更完美的服务。如果你对我们的产品感兴趣,快快来电咨询订购!

    以上信息由企业自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的完整性、真实性、准确性和合法性。阿德采购网对此不承担任何责任。 马上查看收录情况: 百度 360搜索 搜狗