Excellentheat transferring performance; 具有优秀的散热能力
Good impregnation performance; 具有很好的浸润能力
Low shrinkage and thermal expansion; 具有低的收缩和热膨胀
Excellent crack resistance. 具有优秀的抗开裂能力
Good ATF resistance 具有很好的耐变速箱油的能力
Araldite CW 2246/Aradur HY 2177
Araldite CW 30334/Aradur HY 842
Araldite LPY 18022A/B
Araldite LPY 19015A/B (PU)
? Suggested Application 建议的应用
? Different Kinds of Sensor which requests high thermal shock resistance, high thermal conductive
Vacuum Potting 真空灌胶
? Product is degassed, mixed and casted directly into (pre-heated) parts under vacuum. 产品先脱气,然后混合,再在真空环境里直接灌到产品里面。
? Advantages 优点
? Very good impregnation, no bubbles
? Higher properties of the end parts
? Disadvantages 缺点
? higher investment costs v.s atmospheric casting
? more complex processing
Manual Potting 手动点胶
? Correct mix ratio 需要正确的比例
? Homogenous mixing 均匀的混合
? Don’t forget the wall of the mixing beaker 别忘了刮混合器的壁
? No air bubbles 没有气泡
? Do not exceed pot life 不要**过操作时间