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    自动发电机保护测控装置出售 点击查看详情

  • 2020-01-14 15:56 80
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省深圳市福田区包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:51040983公司编号:4228461
  • 刘先生 经理
    13302929585 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    3.9 inverse time negative sequence overcurrent protectionPower system occur asymmetric short-circuit and three-phase load imbalance may be the negative sequence current flowing in the stator winding of the generator, and produce harmonic current in the rotor, rotor surface overheating caused, generator's inverse time negative sequence over the protection of rotor flow under the situation not long overheated rotor insulation degradation caused damage to the generator, discrimination protection of generator stator negative sequence current size, consists of three parts:
    1) under the time limit: when the negative sequence current is greater than the lower bound value but does not meet the start value of the anti time limit, the alarm ** is delayed by the lower limit;
    2) inverse time: when the negative sequence current is larger than the inverse time start value, according to the inverse time lag action equation I22-K t is equal to or larger than a action, type: I2-- generator negative sequence current standard? Value, K - generator operation value of negative sequence current in the standard, a generator rotor surface bear negative sequence current capability of constant;
    3) the upper bound limit: when the negative sequence current is greater than the upper bound limit, the upper limit is delayed by the time delay.
    2.2 Main technical performance
    Precise working range of 2.2.1 sampling circuit (10% error)
    Voltage: 0.4 V ~ 120V
    Current: 0.08In20In
    2.2.2 contact capacity
    Signal circuit contact current carrying capacity 400VA
    Signal circuit contact fault arc capacity 60VA
    2.2.3 tripping current
    Breaker trip current 0.5A~4A (order indication)
    The circuit breaker closing current 0.5A~4A (the order stated)
    2.2.4 precision of various components
    Current component: <5%
    Voltage components: <5%
    Time element: 0s-1s, the error is not more than 40ms;
    1s above, the error is not more than < + 2.5%;
    Frequency deviation: <0.02Hz
    1)the maximum phase current of a side is less than 20% of the rated current, it is not sentenced to the side;
    2)2) the maximum value of the phase current is greater than 120% of the rated current of the side;
    3)3) served as the start of one side of the current than before the start of the increase.In the case of the above three conditions are not satisfied, such as one side at the same time meet the following conditions, then sentenced to CT break:
    1)only one phase current is zero;
    2) the remaining two phase currents are equal before starting the current.
    3.3.2 differential current limit alarmIf the difference is greater than 15% of the rated current, after more than 10s discriminant, issued a warning **. Differential current limit, but not locked differential protection. The function and the monitoring function of the AC sampling circuit of the protection device
    3.4 loss of magnetic protection
    Generator loss of excitation protection for generator excitation current abnormal decrease or disappear completely lost magnetic fault protection, by the generator stator impedance as the main criterion, combined with low voltage and generator excitation system low voltage as auxiliary criterion, and have TV disconnection locking function, TV break send alarm **.
    Its action logic is as follows:


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