200/320 系列数控外圆磨床是一种**、**型数控外圆磨丬床,包括外圆磨床、端面外圆磨床。200 系列较大加工直径 200mm,北京广宇大成数控机床有限公司,广宇大成数控机床,加工长度为 500mm、750mm 两种规格。320 系列较大加工直径 320m疋m,广宇大成数控机床___数控外圆磨床多少钱 ,加工长度为 750mm、1000mm、1500mm 三种规格。适用各种多轴颈圆柱类大批量零件的外圆、轴肩、锥面的*磨削。该数控外圆磨床为两轴联动数字控制。机床具有工件自动轴向定位、砂轮自动切入、工作台自动跳档、加工工件尺寸的自动测量、两轴联动自动修整砂轮和修整后的自动补偿、砂轮恒线速磨削等功能。配装**进口数控系统。 200/320 Series CNC cylindrical grinding machine is the kind of CNC cylindrical grinding with high-efficiency and high-precision, including cylindrical grinding, and end face cylindrical grinding. 200 Series maximum machining diameter is 200mm, and the processing length contains 500 mmand 750 mm two specifications. 320 Series maximum machining diameter is 320mm, and the processing length contains 750mm,1000mm and 1500 mm three specifications.It is applicable to the high efficiency grinding of mass cylinders’ excircles, shaft shoulders, and cones of multi journals. The CNC cylindrical grinding is controlled by two axis digital control system. The machine owns the functions like automatic axial positioning, grinding wheel automatically cut-in, workbench automatically jump, automatic size measurement, two-axis automatic dressing of the grinding wheel and automatically compensate for grinding wheel after the modification, wheel grinding with constant linear velocity, and so on. The machine equipped with imported original CNC system. φ500/φ630/φ800 系列数控外圆磨床采用后置移动结构形式,广宇大成数控机床___数控外圆磨床多少钱 ,既砂轮架沿头架、尾架主轴中心线平行移动及砂轮架沿头架尾架主轴中 心线成垂直角前后移动;此结构形式减少了采用工作台移动的结构形式时,因工件重量的变化而造成工作台导轨的微量变化,从而影响工 件磨削精度的弊端;具有移动部件质量轻、质量变化小,运动部件惯性小,*节能等优点。 φ500/φ630/φ800 series CNC Cylindrical Grinding Machine adopts the form of rear moving structure, both the sand wheel frame moves parallel along the head frame and the tail frame spindle center line and the wheel frame moves forward and backward into the vertical angle along the tail frame spindle center line. This structure form reduces the variation of the guide rail due to the change of the workpiece weight when the worktable is moved, which affects the workpiece grinding precision. It has the advantages of light moving parts, small quality change, small inertia of moving parts, high efficiency and energy saving. 广宇大成数控机床___数控外圆磨床多少钱
北京广宇大成数控机床有限公司是北京市科委批准成立的**企业,致力于研发和生产各种**数控磨床,以较大程度满足用户需求,提升民族制造业水平。同时凭借雄厚的科研力量,不断承接北京市科委下达的和市场急需的专题项目的研发与制作。 公司集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体,拥有科技攻关部、市场调研、新产品研发、机械制造、电气工程、销售及售后服务部等各部门,全部采用网络化管理与制造,确保公司在市场竞争中的优势地位。 以科技为先导,以市场为导向,坚持走自主技术产权之路,是广宇大成公司一贯坚持的理念。本着这一理念,公司推出了与**技术水平接轨的**数控立式**磨床、**数控外圆磨床、**数控端面外圆磨床、**数控**磨床、**数控内圆磨床等**产品,以较大程度满足市场需求。 作为**企业,人才的储备与培养至关重要,公司集合了一批在国内磨床事业作出**贡献的教授级高工,同时又有一批敢于**、不断探索的青年技术骨干,实践与理论的融合,确保了产品的**。 完善的售后服务体系确保了用户利益较大化。公司从成立初就培养了一支及时*的售后服务队伍,急用户所急, 以履行公司的承诺。 广宇大成公司敢于和国内外同类产品做比较,比精度、比性能、比售后服务,以较高的性价比奉献用户,以较大程度满足民族工业发展需要。