• 中嘉现货销售PA6 7304 NC010 中等粘度

    中嘉现货销售PA6 7304 NC010 中等粘度

  • 2019-11-04 10:59 194
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省东莞市常平镇包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:PA6 7304 NC010
  • 信息编号:50090010公司编号:4222518
  • 马益群 销售部经理
    13826985763 (联系我请说明是在阿德采购网看到的信息)
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  • 信息举报
    特点:Zytel? 7304 NC010 is a medium viscosity, unlubricated polyamide 6 resin for extrusion applications.
    PA6 7304 NC010 中等粘度
    Zytel? 7304 NC010 | PA6 NYLON RESIN
    Regional Availability
    North America, South and Central America
    Injection Moulding, Film Extrusion, Profile Extrusion, Sheet Extrusion, Other Extrusion, Coatable
    Delivery form
    Product Text
    Common features of Zytel? nylon resin include mechanical and physical properties such as high mechanical strength, excellent balance of stiffness and toughness, good high temperature performance, good electrical and flammability properties, good abrasion and chemical resistance. In addition, Zytel? nylon resins are available in different modified and reinforced grades to create a wide range of products with tailored properties for specific processes and end-uses. Zytel? nylon resin, including most flame retardant grades, offer the ability to be coloured.
    The good melt stability of Zytel? nylon resin normally enables the recycling of properly handled production waste. If recycling is not possible, DuPont recommends, as the preferred option, incineration with energy recovery (-31kJ/g of base polymer) in appropriately equipped installations. For disposal, local regulations have to be observed.
    Zytel? nylon resin typically is used in demanding applications in the automotive, furniture, domestic appliances, sporting goods and construction industry.
    Zytel? 7304 NC010 is a medium viscosity, unlubricated polyamide 6 resin for extrusion applications.
    Injection molding
    Drying recommended = Yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommended level
    Drying temperature = 80℃
    Drying time, dehumidified dryer = 2-4 h
    Processing moisture content = <0.05 %
    Melt temperature optimum = 270℃
    Melt temperature range = 260-280℃
    Mould temperature optimum = 70℃
    Mould temperature range = 50-90℃
    Profile extrusion
    Drying recommended = Yes, if moisture content of resin exceeds recommended level
    Drying temperature = 80℃
    Drying time, dehumidified dryer = 4-6 h
    Processing moisture content = <0.05 %
    Melt temperature optimum = 235℃
    Melt temperature range = 230-240℃
    Rheological calc. properties	Value	Unit	Test Standard
    Mech	Min. mould temperature	50	℃	-
    	Min. melt temperature	260	℃	-
    Thermal properties	dry / cond	Unit	Test Standard
    Therm	Melting temperature,10℃/min	220 / *	℃	ISO 11357-1/-3
    	Temp. of deflection under load,1.8 MPa	160 / *	℃	ISO 75-1/-2
    	Temp. of deflection under load,0.45 MPa	65 / *	℃	ISO 75-1/-2
    Rheological calc. properties	Value	Unit	Test Standard
    RheoCalc	Min. mould temperature	50	℃	-
    	Min. melt temperature	260	℃	-

    是一家专业从事工程塑胶原料、特种工程塑胶原料的推广及销售的高新企业,公司主要代理特种工程塑胶原料 :PSU、PES、PEI、PPSU、PEEK等。中嘉-Zovgov在大*区与VICTREX(威格斯)、SOLVAY(索尔维)、RTP(尔) 、SABIC(沙比克)、BASF(巴斯夫)、EVONIK(赢创德固赛)、POLYONE(普力万)、ARKEMA(阿科玛) 建立了良好的推广销售渠道关系

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    主要经营东莞市中嘉塑胶原料有限公司 是一家专业从事工程塑胶原料、特种工程塑胶原料的推广及销售的高新企业,公司主要代理特种工程塑胶原料 :PSU、PES、PEI、PPSU、PEEK。
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东莞市中嘉塑胶原料有限公司 是一家专业从事工程塑胶原料、特种工程塑胶原料的推广及销售的高新企业,公司主要代理特种工程塑胶原料 :PSU、PES、PEI、PPSU、PEEK等。中嘉-Zovgov在大*区与VICTREX(威格斯)、SOLVAY(索尔维)、RTP(尔) 、SABIC(沙比克)、BASF(巴斯夫)、EVONIK(赢创德固赛)、POLYONE(普力万)、ARKEMA(阿科玛)..