泥浆材料A drilling-mud additive used to control fluid loss in water muds ranging from freshwater to saturated-salt to high-pH lime muds. Starches have thermal stability to about 250°F [121°C]. They are subject to bacterial attack unless protected by high salinity or bactericide. Drilling-grade natural starch has API/ISO specifications for quality. Starches are carbohydrates of a general formula (C6H10O5)n and are derived from corn, wheat, oats, rice, potatoes, yucca and similar plants and vegetables. They consist of about 27% linear polymer (amylose) and about 73% branched polymer (amylopectin). The two polymers are intertwined within starch granules.泥浆材料 Granules are insoluble in cold water, but soaking in hot water or under steam pressure ruptures their covering and the polymers hydrate into a colloidal suspension. This product is a pregelatinized starch and has been used in muds for many years. Amylose and amylopectin are nonionic polymers that do not interact with electrolytes. Derivatized starches, such as hydroxypropyl and carboxymethyl starches, are used in drill-in fluids, completion fluids and various brine systems as well as in drilling-mud systems. The use of starch typically causes a minimal increase in viscosity while effectively controlling fluid loss.泥浆材料
山东省宁津县嘉和节能材料有限公司位于宁津县经济开发区,公路四通八达,地理位置优越,交利。 我公司主要生产销售改性羟丙基甲基纤维素、预糊化淀粉、石油化工。本公司及产品研发、生产销售、服务为一体的该科技企业,的生产工艺,公司占地20000平方米年产20000吨,拥有各类技术人员50余人,的生产工艺和设备,为生产优质的产品提供了坚实**。并有有关部门监测,产品质量达到国内水平,产品广泛用于建筑建材,石油钻井、造纸、铸造、陶瓷、饲料等行业。 山东省宁津县嘉和节能材料有限公司,真诚期待和热烈欢迎行业*、国内外商家莅临公司参观考察,建立广泛的业务合作,互惠互利、共谋发展。