国产莫桑钻出售 **莫桑石哪家好 中国香港丰利珠宝首饰**有限公司 VITAMOSS莫桑钻可达到真正**白色并能*钻石笔测试,而非市面**传偏黄莫桑钻; 纯手工八心八箭切工,给您**的钻石品质切工 拥有9.25的硬度,高硬度使其不易刮花开裂,能*保存下去 拥有0.104的色散指数,光束长度为南非钻石的2.4倍 折射率2.64**南非钻石,比钻石较明亮闪烁 为什么选择VITAMOSS莫桑钻 ? Why choose our VITAMOSS Moissanite? 1:VITAMOSS自有莫桑钻晶体生长厂,自有**切割厂及完善的分级体系,为莫桑钻的**货源; VITAMOSS have moissanite rough producing factory, have own moissanite cutting factory and whole grade system, we are moissanite rough and moissanite loose stones top quality supplier; 2: 钻石分级师按照**钻石的4C标准层层审核精心挑选 2: Each vitamoss diamond is selected carefully by diamond grader at all levels according to the 4C standard of the natural diamond 3:钻石切割师**钻石级的3EX切割工艺,**呈现八心八箭 3:Diamond cutting master cut and polish carefully at 3EX cut level ,perfect eight hearts&eight arrows 4:VITAMOSS 钻较高颜色可达D级,较白较闪亮,**退色 4: VITAMOSS diamond, the highest color grading up to D, more white, more brilliant, never fade 5: VITAMOSS钻较加纯净,镜下无暇LC-VVS1/2 5:VITAMOSS diamond more pure and clear ,clarity grade up to LC-VVS1/2 6:VITAMOSS钻较接近钻石特征,每一颗VITAMOSS都能*测钻笔测试 6: The VITAMOSS diamond is extreamly close to the natural diamond feature, and each VITAMOSS diamond can pass the diamond pen tester 7: 每一颗VITAMOSS 钻都有一验证腰码,都能获得GRI 检测机构检测** 7:Each VITAMOSS diamond has unique waist verification Code and also has GRI report assurance 8:少于钻石百分之一的价格,VITAMOSS钻是人人都能买得起的钻石 8: Less than 1/10 of the diamond price, VITAMOSS diamond is a diamond that everyone can afford. 可*钻石笔的测试 丰利珠宝___国产莫桑钻出售 **莫桑石哪家好 中国香港丰利珠宝首饰**有限公司