• 供应100G(平**AWG)


  • 2019-08-27 17:28 213
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:广东省深圳市包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:不限产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:37129382公司编号:792132
  • 吴海燕 销售经理
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  • 信息举报
    相关产品: 广东AWG器件、AWG波长
    2.	极限条件/Absolute Maximum Ratings (unless otherwise specified)
    参数/Parameters	条件/Conditions	规格/Specifications	单位/Units
    		较小/Min.	较大/Max.	
    工作温度/Operating Temperature	产品正常工作时/Operating	-5	65	oC
    工作湿度/Operating Humidity	产品正常工作时/Operating	5	95	%RH
    存储温度/Storage Temperature	产品不工作时/Non_Operating	-40	+85	oC
    存储湿度/Storage Humidity	产品不工作时/Non_Operating	5	95	%RH
    3.	光性能/Optical Specification  (平**AWG/ Flattop Thermal AWG)
    参数/Parameters	条件/Condition	规格/Specs	单位/Units
    		Min	Typ	Max	
    通道数/Number of Channels		40	
    通道间距/Number Channel Spacing	100GHz	100	GHz
    中心波长/Cha. Center Wavelength	ITU频率/ITU frequency.	C -band	nm
    通带频率/Clear Channel Passband		±0.1	nm
    波长精度/Wavelength Stability	Maximum range of the wavelength error  of all channels and temperatures in average polarization.	±0.05	nm
    -1 dB 带宽/-1 dB Channel Bandwidth	Clear channel bandwidth defined by passband shape. For each channel	0.4			nm
    -3 dB 带宽/-3 dB Channel Bandwidth	Clear channel bandwidth defined by passband shape. For each channel	0.6			nm
    插损/Optical Insertion Loss at ITU grid	Defined as the minimum transmission at ITU wavelength for all channels. For each channel, at all temperatures and polarizations.		4.5	6.0	dB
    相邻通道隔离度/Adjacent Channel Isolation	Insertion loss difference from the mean transmission at the ITU grid wavelength to the highest power, all polarizations, within the ITU band of the adjacent channels.	25			dB
    非相邻通道隔离度/Non-Adjacent, Channel Isolation	Insertion loss difference from the mean transmission at the ITU grid wavelength to the highest power, all polarizations, within the ITU band of the nonadjacent channels.	30			dB
    总隔离度/Total Channel Isolation	Total cumulative insertion loss difference from the mean transmission at the ITU grid wavelength to the highest power, all polarizations, within the ITU band of all other channels, including adjacent channels.	22			dB
    插损一致性/Insertion Loss Uniformity	Maximum range of the insertion loss variation within ITU across all channels, polarizations and temperatures.		1.0	1.5	dB
    方向性Directivity(Mux Only)	Ratio of reflected power out of any channel(other than channel n)to power in from the input channel n	40			dB
    插损平坦度/Insertion Loss Ripple	Any maxima and any minima of optical loss across ITU band, excluding boundary points, for each channel at each port			0.5	dB
    回损/Optical Return loss	Input & output ports	40			dB
    PDL/Polarization Dependent Loss in Clear Channel Band	Worst-case value measured in ITU band		0.3	0.5	dB
    偏振模式色散/Polarization Mode Dispersion				0.5	ps
    较大承受光功率/Maximum Optical Power				23	dBm
    功率监控范围/MUX/DEMUX input/ output
    Monitoring range		-35		+23	dBm
    1.	IL Represents the worst case over a +/-0.1nm window around the ITU wavelength.
    2.	PDL was measured on average polarization over a +/- 0.1nm window around the ITU wavelength.

    珠海飞宇光电科技有限公司成立于2005年11月, 是一家**从事于研发、生产和销售光纤通信设备和器件的高科技企业。在过去的7年时间里,珠海飞宇光电内增实力外抓机遇得以*成长,现已成立了无源事业部、有源事业部、系统集成部和业务中心四大主力部门,拥有一个5000平米的生产基地和一个400平米的业务中心,并在**多个地区和地区设立了办事处和分支机构。员工总数**过300人,大专以上*员工占98%以上,其中通讯工程、光学电子相关**的人员占85%,硕士研究以上*员工占总人数的3%左右。珠海飞宇光电拥有一个实力雄厚的研发队伍,其中90%以上都是来自行业内**企业的**研发人才。

    欢迎来到珠海飞宇光电科技有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳公司街道地址,负责人是刘飞荣。
    单位注册资金:人民币 300 万元 - 500 万元。

    以上信息由企业自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的完整性、真实性、准确性和合法性。阿德采购网对此不承担任何责任。 马上查看收录情况: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
珠海飞宇光电科技有限公司成立于2005年11月, 是一家**从事于研发、生产和销售光纤通信设备和器件的高科技企业。在过去的7年时间里,珠海飞宇光电内增实力外抓机遇得以*成长,现已成立了无源事业部、有源事业部、系统集成部和业务中心四大主力部门,拥有一个5000平米的生产基地和一个400平米的业务中心,并在**多个地区和地..