本文来源/江阴市纯希五金电器有限公司服务热线:4000510162? 0510-85883279? EMAIL:?公司网址:地址:江阴市澄江西路106号上达荣工业脚轮是一家集研发、设计、生产销售一体的**脚轮公司。产品有重型脚轮、轻型脚轮,异型脚轮、减震脚轮、可调节脚轮,根据客户作业环境,精心选材,设计制造各种脚轮,可来图来样定做各种脚轮。??上达荣脚轮技术**,设备完善,研发团队有20多人,聘请德国脚轮*MR。JOSEF作技术顾问。上达荣脚轮广泛应用于工业,商业,医用,以及机械运输,物流等各种行业。一直以来,我们以“诚信为本,**为魄”的企业精神,以“面向世界,不断提升,以质取胜,客户至上”的经营理念。**的产品合理的价位。赢得了国内外广大客户的信任和支持,产品**:欧美,东南亚地区。在**脚轮市场上享有相当的美誉度。 热忱欢迎国内外新老朋友携手合作,共创辉煌。 公司将秉承“精诚合作,分享,共同成长”的经营理念,与社会各界密切合作,欢迎您来人来电咨询!???For Rong industrial caster is a collectiondevelopment, design, production and sales of specialized truckle company.Products are heavy duty casters, light caster, special-shaped casters, caster,damping adjustable casters, according to the guest operating environment,careful selection of materials, design and manufacture of various casters, canbe customized drawings and samples of various casters.? Uedachi Sakae castor advanced technology,perfect equipment, R D team has more than 20 people, employ the casterexpert MR. JOSEF as a technical consultant. Uedachi Sakae castor is widely usedin industrial, commercial, medical, and mechanical transport, logistics andother industries.? All along, we have to "honesty, innovationas the soul" spirit of enterprise, to "face the world, continuousimprovement, quality first, customer first" business philosophy. The high-endproducts and reasonable price. To win the trust and support of customers athome and abroad, the products are exported to Europe and America, SoutheastAsian countries. Enjoy a reputation in the international market.? Warmly welcome new and old friends at home andabroad to cooperate, create brilliance.? Will be adhering to the "sincerecooperation, sharing, common development" business philosophy, in closecooperation with the social from all walks of life, you are welcome to inquire!?