清扫口(cleanout)指的是装在排水横管上,用于清扫排水管的配件。其上口与地面齐平。1. 一般装于横管,尤其是各层横支管连接卫生器具较多时,横支管起点均应装置清扫口(有时可用地漏代替)。当连接两个及以上大便器或三个及以上卫生器具的铸铁横支管、连接四个及四个以上的大便器的塑料横支管上均宜设置清扫口。3.安装须与地面平齐,排水横管起点设置的清扫口一般与墙面保持不得小于0.15米得距离。当采用堵头代替清扫口时,距离不得小于0.4m。3.作用:装在排水横管上,管道被堵时打开清扫口,可以疏通管道,相当于管道尽头的堵头。某些时候可以用地漏代替 The (cleanout) refers to the fittings used for cleaning the drain pipe. It is flush with the ground. 1. Generally installed in horizontal pipe, especially each layer of horizontal branch pipe is connected to a sanitary ware more, starting point of horizontal branch pipe should be cleaning device mouth (sometimes available floor drain instead). When connecting two or more stool or three and above health apparatus of cast iron horizontal branch, connected at least four toilet plastic horizontal branch are advised to set clean mouth. 3 installation should be flush with the ground, horizontal drainage pipe cleaning and the starting point is set in general, not less than 0.15 meters from the wall to keep. When the plug is used instead of the cleaning port, the distance must not be less than 0.4m. 3. The role of: installed in horizontal pipe, pipe stuck open cleanout can dredge the pipeline, quite in the pipeline at the end of the plug. Some of the time can be used instead of the floor drain