SD-204 is pear-shaded, 2-hole-mount motor in speed from 1 to 6 RPM. It is has capabilities of indefinitely stall and spring return. Features: Quite and Smooth. Spring return capabilities. Long life. Gear train is composite with brass and steel gears. Specifications: The motor is ranging from 3-10Watt and its direction varies with different gear sets. Please contact sales department for details. Rated Voltage: 24 , 120 , 220/240 V AC Frequency: 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: 5W Motor Speed: 1~6 RPM Torque: 1RPM: 320 Kgf-cm Direction: (Reversible)CW or CCW
很荣幸介绍我们公司, 我们来自祖国闽台、中国香港、中国,专业制造微型同步电机已二十多年。 目前华人生产较****薄同步马达。 主要特点:1、荣获ISO-9002,美规UL品质认证及欧规CE品质认证 2、高扭力,静音强,耐高温。 3、金属(手表)齿轮。 4、安装容易。 5、内用铜/钢系齿轮(由精密瑞士滚齿机制成),采用镀锌钢板为马达外壳 6、马达外壳钢板采用日本三菱镀锌板。 7、部分小型转换齿轮采用杜邦塑胶钢(特性比一般好) * 可生产130—150F高温。 *可生产防水性能,在水中正常操作,不漏电。