简介 北京费普福工程技术有限公司陶瓷纤维芯不锈钢丝盘根是以优质陶瓷纤维纱(玻璃丝增强或不锈钢丝增强)为芯材,外部以不锈钢丝编织而成,具有优异的热稳定性和化学稳定性,抗拉强力远**普通陶瓷纤维盘根。(不锈钢丝编绳,不锈钢丝方编绳,不锈钢丝圆编绳) 规格表 1、陶瓷纤维芯不锈钢丝方盘根Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire square braided rope 产品代码 截面尺寸(mm) SCBR5×5 5×5 SCBR6×6 6×6 SCBR8×8 8×8 SCBR10×10 10×10 SCBR12×12 12×12 SCBR14×14 14×14 SCBR15×15 15×15 SCBR16×16 16×16 SCBR18×18 18×18 SCBR20×20 20×20 SCBR22×22 22×22 SCBR25×25 25×25 SCBR30×30 30×30 SCBR32×32 32×32 SCBR35×35 35×35 SCBR40×40 40×40 SCBR50×50 50×50 较大尺寸可以定制 2、陶瓷纤维芯不锈钢丝圆盘根Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire round braided rope 产品代码 直径(mm) SCBR5 5 SCBR6 6 SCBR8 8 SCBR10 10 SCBR12 12 SCBR14 14 SCBR15 15 SCBR16 16 SCBR18 18 SCBR20 20 SCBR22 22 SCBR25 25 SCBR30 30 SCBR35 35 SCBR38 38 SCBR40 40 SCBR45 45 SCBR50 50 较大尺寸可以定制 主要性能 ? 用于-70°C~1260°C的环境中,并可以耐瞬时高温; ? 耐臭氧、氧化、光及气候老化; ? 高强度、高模量、低收缩、不变形; ? 隔热保温性能好; ? **过工作温度时,仍有很高的残留强度; ? 耐腐蚀; ? 热稳定性和化学稳定性高 ? 抗拉强力高 ? 施工简单 应用范围 ? 加热炉高温密封 ? 锅炉高温密封 ? 工业炉高温密封 ? 用于对人身的安全防护和机械性能要求很高的增强材料 ? 高温管道密封 ? Introduction Beijing FeiPufu Engineering Technology Co. Ltd. Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire braided rope is made of high quality ceramic fiber yarn (glass fiber reinforced or stainless steel wire reinforced) as core material, external to stainless steel wire woven, with excellent thermal stability and chemical stability, tensile strength is higher than the ordinary ceramic fiber packing. (stainless steel wire, stainless steel wire, stainless steel wire rope, round wire rope) Specification sheet 1, Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire packing Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire square braided rope Product code section size (mm) SCBR5 * 55 * 5 SCBR6 * 66 * 6 SCBR8 * 88 * 8 SCBR10 * 1010 * 10 SCBR12 * 1212 * 12 SCBR14 * 1414 * 14 SCBR15 * 1515 * 15 SCBR16 * 1616 * 16 SCBR18 * 1818 * 18 SCBR20 * 2020 * 20 SCBR22 * 2222 * 22 SCBR25 * 2525 * 25 SCBR30 * 3030 * 30 SCBR32 * 3232 * 32 SCBR35 * 3535 * 35 SCBR40 * 4040 * 40 SCBR50 * 5050 * 50 Larger size can be customized 2, ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire round Ceramic fiber core stainless steel wire with round braided rope Product code diameter (mm) SCBR5 5 SCBR6 6 SCBR8 8 SCBR10 10 SCBR12 12 SCBR14 14 SCBR15 15 SCBR16 16 SCBR18 18 SCBR20 20 SCBR22 22 SCBR25 25 SCBR30 30 SCBR35 35 SCBR38 38 SCBR40 40 SCBR45 45 SCBR50 50 Larger size can be customized main performance For the -70 ~ C~1260 ~ C environment, and can withstand instantaneous high temperature; The ozone resistance, oxidation, light and weathering; The high strength, high modulus, low shrinkage and deformation; The heat insulation performance is good; The over temperature, there is still residual strength is very high; The corrosion resistance; The thermal stability and high chemical stability The high tensile strength The construction is simple. Application range The heating furnace for high temperature sealing The boiler high temperature sealing
北京费普福工程技术有限公司 公司理念:做*就是做良心、做保温就是做功德 公司业务:1、保温隔热材料的研发、设计、供应; 2、*卷帘、*门、挡烟垂壁等的研发、设计、技术咨询服务; 涉及产品: 1、玻璃纤维、高硅氧纤维、陶瓷纤维、生物可降解纤维、金属纤维,以及由上述纤维所制成的纱、带、布、绳、盘根、板、毯等 2、结合3维立体设计,利用上述材料为主体,制成用于燃机、汽轮机、硫化机、管道、阀门等等非常温使用的保温(保冷)的隔热罩、保温罩 3、无机特级*卷帘、无机特级*卷帘(折叠)、无机纤维复合*卷帘(普通)、无机纤维复合*卷帘(普通折叠)、无机纤维复合*卷帘(薄型)、无机纤维复合*卷帘(薄型折叠)、钢质*卷帘(垂直)、钢质*卷帘(侧向)、钢质*卷帘(水平)、钢质*卷帘(水雾)、卷帘式挡烟垂壁、固定式挡烟垂壁、翻板式挡烟垂壁、各式*门 公司根基: 20年积累的技术团队,是公司立足的根基,这个团队完成过无数的大小项目、为客户解决过无数的大小问题、完成过几十项技术开发。 注册资金:3200万元