商标皮革标牌皮革 热压变色商标牌 PU商标牌
工厂主要生产PVC、PU和半PU等人造革系列。产品包括:热压变色PU革、加厚商标革、植绒革、仿真皮革、沙发皮革、箱包革、干湿法PU革、无布革、芙蓉皮、PVC高发泡革、PVC发泡海绵、pvc foam、足球皮革、篮球皮革、汽车坐椅皮革、植绒皮革、礼品盒包装皮革、酒盒包装皮革等。
The factory is mainly engaged in PVC, PU and semi-PU artificial leather series products manufacturing. The products include: Thermal pressing discoloration PU leather, thickened trademark leather, flocking leather, artificial leather, sofa leather, luggage leather, dry and wet PU leather, non-fabric leather, lotus leather, PVC highly foam leather, PVC foam, football leather, basketball leather, car seat leather, flocking leather, gift box packaging leather and wine box packaging leather etc..
工厂主要生产PVC、PU和半PU等人造革系列。产品包括:热压变色PU革、加厚商标革、植绒革、仿真皮革、沙发皮革、箱包革、干湿法PU革、无布革、芙蓉皮、PVC高发泡革、PVC发泡海绵、pvc foam、足球皮革、篮球皮革、汽车坐椅皮革、植绒皮革、礼品盒包装皮革、酒盒包装皮革等。
The factory is mainly engaged in PVC, PU and semi-PU artificial leather series products manufacturing. The products include: Thermal pressing discoloration PU leather, thickened trademark leather, flocking leather, artificial leather, sofa leather, luggage leather, dry and wet PU leather, non-fabric leather, lotus leather, PVC highly foam leather, PVC foam,
.东莞市立达信皮革有限公司___商标皮革标牌皮革 热压变色商标牌 PU商标牌